Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School

It's that time of the year again. So full of mixed emotions. I have loved having my kids at home but the past few days they have been driving me crazy. I hear a lot of waaaa... bla bla bla.... waaaaa. It has gotten pretty annoying. Right now I'm more than happy to see them go. I know all the crappy behavior is because they're bored. I haven't been great at keeping them busy.
School is great and all, my kids LOVE it, but the thoughts to Home School creep up all the time. Yeah, I'm that mom... I have great ideas, I know what curriculum I would use, and I have a great plan to make it work. But I have to mention that in my home school plan we live in a little white farm house and we have cows & chickens and I sew all our clothes... Well, Unfortunately it will never happen. Mr. Lloyd is opposed to the idea and I know myself and kids too well. We would get sick of each other & the kids would stop listening to me after awhile. In the end it is better that I am mom and not school teacher too. But for the time they are little they have a great preschool teacher (ME) and then it is bonjour kiddos.
This year Lucy Jane is officially old enough to be part of my Busy Bees Preschool. She has always been around during school time but more like our class pet instead of student. She is excited and I am a little unsure how she will transition from class pet to full on sit still and behave kind of kid. Cross my fingers it goes well. Lucy is great at throwing fits while I'm teaching because she knows I am too busy with the other children and usually give her what she wants. I'll let you know how it goes... Preschool starts on Wednesday!

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