Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Fun

What can I say about this summer... it was a bit of a flop. I really didn't do much with the kiddos that didn't take place at home. Sure we had a few fun outings and all, but for the most part it was a lot of lazy days. I've been so lazy that I'm thinking I should take on the nick name of Captain Sweat Pants! I'm pretty sure our family has kept Netflix busy this summer with all the movies we've been watching. It's been great. I have loved every bit of the lazy. I think the kids have too. I hate to see the Summer end. Sigh... I didn't take many pictures this summer (at least ones that weren't of Henry) But here are some of what I got...
We went on a family camp out just 1week after I had Henry. Looking back I'm wondering what I was thinking??? Most likely I was still on pain pills and not in my right mind. It was so much fun!
Seriously people, how cute is he? 1 week old and so handsome. Oh I love him to pieces! From the look on her face, Isabelle must be afraid of something. Summer wouldn't be Summer without our tradition of going to the Freedom Festival parade followed by a picnic at grandma's house... It was so cold this year that we all had to bundle up. The sun didn't make it out til later in the day. Brent and his parents took the girls up to Stewart Falls. I thought about going but the idea of nursing a baby while sitting on a rock didn't sound that fun to me. I wasn't on pain pills anymore and finally thinking straight so I stayed home. There were A few trips to the pool this summer. Probably not as many as the girls would have liked but can you blame me? The pool isn't my favorite place to be these days... But I don't mind sitting poolside with a good book while the kids play with Mr. Lloyd School starts on Wednesday and we can say goodbye to summer til next year.

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