Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Emma's 9th Birthday

Emma is 9 now. She is growing up so fast. It's so enjoyable for me to watch her learn and develop her talents. She really is an amazing loving girl.

  • She is a great big sister and is very "cleaver" at getting Isabelle to do her chores for her and buy her things so she can save her money. I have to laugh at this behavior because it is what big sister do...

  • Emma is incredibly compassionate and loving.

  • She will snuggle with anyone at anytime of the day.

  • She LOVES to read books and write stories.

  • She is a great little artist.

  • She is very talented in music and is becoming a great pianist.

  • She is a straight A student and puts homework before most anything else.

  • She has a funny sense of style (see her socks in the below pictures).

  • She will watch movies with me that no one else in the family will.

  • Although she has a brilliant mind and is very smart, she is still kind of "dingy" and spacey. (I think she has inherited this trait from my mom).

  • She loves making schedules and lists to follow.

  • She has an amazing sense of humor.

  • Most of all I love how creative and imaginative she is.

Happy Birthday!

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