Saturday, October 16, 2010

What's not to love about this time of year?

It's finally fall. We are all back in the swing of things, the nights are cool and the days are warm. My little ones are working hard in school and enjoying all of their extra activities.
Emma is just about done with her soccer season. As a team they have only won one game this year but she is playing better than ever before. She is also doing great with her piano. She is sight reading her music so much better this year and doesn't ask for my help as much. We just went to parent teacher night and she has straight A's as always. I'm so happy for her that she loves school and am so thankful that it isn't a struggle for her.
Isabelle is preparing for a Christmas ballet production of The Grinch. She is loving her dance class this year. She has moved up to level 1A in piano and is doing great. She likes to have me sit with her while she practices because she thinks she needs help with her notes. What she doesn't know is that she plays them just fine without me there. I think she just needs time to gain confidence. Iza is also doing great in first grade. She is reading so much better this year and has become very responsible. Her teacher told me that she is a joy to have in her class!
Lucy is loving preschool. Who could blame her? Her teacher is awesome! She has mastered the letters A, B, L, S, & T and will tell anyone who asks her what sounds they make and what words start with the sound. She loves all the arts and crafts that we do in class and has surprised me at the time and attention she gives all of her work. Lu is also having a blast in gymnastics. She goes once a week with one of her besties Elin. I'm loving this time I have with her in the days. She is so sweet and fun to play with.
Henry is now 4 months old. He's such a blessing in our family. I would really find it hard to believe if there was ever a mommy who loved her son as much as I do. He's become the "toy" that the girls fight over the most.
At his last check up he weighed in at 16 pounds 7 oz and 26 inches tall. He's a big guy.
I moved him into his own room a few weeks ago. It was hard for me to move him from my room to his own but he seems to sleep better this way. I'd snuggle him all night if I could. Did I mention that he is the worlds BEST BABY? He is so happy and when I say he never cries I'm not kidding. Oh Lucky Lucky Me!
I'm so happy in this stage of life. I love having kids at 9, 6, 3, & baby. It's like a sampler of all things kid. I woul love to freeze life right now and live this forever.

I'm calling this picture Mad Baby! Aint he cute?

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