Yes I'm still around but busy. Blogging has taken a back seat to my other projects and activities. And honestly, I just haven't felt much like doing it. But since Mr. Lloyd has been away for the last 5 days, I thought I would post some pictures of the last couple of days without him here.
Thursday was Crazy Hair day at school for Emma. 
Saturday afternoon we went to Kangaroo Zoo for our niece Emma's 5th birthday.
Here are the kids. Emma, Trinity, Isabelle, Emma, and Bridger
I really thought Lucy would love this place. She is after all, half monkey. But she pretty much had me hold her the whole time with her hands over her ears. Silly girl.
Last night the girls helped me set up their tent for a sleep out in the family room. We watched Enchanted and ate popcorn. Lucy was very excited about this. It was her first sleep out and she kept saying "This is MY castle!"
I LOVE this picture!
Isabelle had the great idea for the ol' ride the sleeping bad down the stairs game...
which was quickly taken over by Emma and then no one else got a turn.
The girls had a fun night. I however, didn't get much sleep. I spent the night playing "musical beds" with the girls. At one point each kid was asleep in my bed with me, after which I would move them back to their rightful sleeping spot, until one of them (I won't say who) peed in my bed! F.Y.I. Cough syrup and a cup of juice before bed isn't the best idea. At least it was on Mr. Lloyd's side of the bed. Ha Ha! 

Lucky for me, Lucy Jane slept in until 10:00!
I miss you husband and your daughters miss you. I can't wait until tomorrow when you'll be home!
p.s. don't forget to bring home gummy bears and little bottles of hotel shampoo and soap for the small ones.
Love you
Great idea! I love the all girl camp out.
Glad to have you back. The crazy hair is too cute to be crazy. Cute camping thing, you're such a good mom.
What a fun mom you are! You deserve an award or something! My sleep is too important to ever attempt that! Brave woman!
Emma's hair is awesome! What did you do to make it all cool like that? Fun fun idea. Sorry you have been single parenting... btw... did your sweaty yoga bod act as a deterrent like you thought? ;) HA! (it was way fun having you there last night too!)
Mr Lloyd, is he home now?
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