Another "Holiday" come and gone. I really don't know why Halloween is considered a holiday. Aren't holidays supposed to be based around religious beliefs? (Please feel free to educate me on the matter if you'd like. ) But really I don't care what the reason for the day is, I just know that I love it and my kids love it. What with a new baby this year, I didn't go all out for Halloween. We kept things simple and basic. I didn't throw a big party or do class parties at the kids school either. But I still managed to get into the spirit of things.
We took some time to carve pumpkins on Friday night. We let each of the girls choose their own pumpkin, let them design it, and scoop out the middle. Mr. Lloyd helped them with the knife part. 

Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, we celebrated Halloween on Saturday night instead of Sunday. Just one of the perks of living in Utah. Poor Emma got one of her awful "I'm gonna die" stomach aches just before we set out to trick-or-treat. Can you tell from her face she is might just die? Isabelle took her bag and made sure to get Emma a piece of candy from every house she went to. Emma felt better later that night and was able to hit a few houses too.
Baby Henry... Awwww. 

It was a rainy night for trick-or-treats. Lucy didn't last long.

This is one of my besties Erin. By far my favorite costume of the year. Classic.

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