Friday, November 12, 2010

Sick Babies

My poor kiddos have had a rough week. It started with Isabelle, followed by Baby Henry, and now Lucy. Isabelle missed 3 days of school and had a fever as high as 104+. When I took her to the doctor he told me she had "The Guckys". I thought about asking for my money back. Is that a medical term I've never heard of?
Henry got hit yesterday. I took him to the doctor to be sure he didn't have an ear infection. Again the doc said "The Guckys". I'm no doctor, but really, I'm not an idiot either. I'd like a better explanation of what is going on inside my children's bodies for cryin out loud. I'm just a worried momma and I do have a brain. Any recommendations for a good pediatrician would be accepted at this point.

Henry has been crying since yesterday. I've never had a baby cry all day and night like this. When Lucy was a baby and in the hospital for RSV, she didn't come close to crying so much.

But finally, this morning my prayers were answered and H slept for longer than 2 hours. He and Lucy both slept while I taught preschool and are still zonked out. I'm feeling gucky too and would like to join them . But I'm afraid as soon as I do the crying will start again.

Even Walter got sick. When I say the poop has hit the fan I'm being literal. He was in the laundry room yesterday and barfed and pooped all over EVERYTHING. It was discovered just as I was heading out the door to take H to the doctor. I'll post pictures later. joking... But, if any of you would like my dog, I'd be happy to drive him to your house any time. not joking.

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