Santa Came!!!
The girls woke up at about 8:00 and didn't waste any time getting to their presents. These "cubs" are what they wanted the most. They are sooo cute. They purrr and growl and fall asleep while you pet them.
Isabelle LOVES Barbies. She has been asking for this one since September.
I'm super happy that Emma got one of these. Mostly because I wanted one my whole life and never got one. I can't wait to play with it. hehe!
This sad face is because of the toothbrush in her stocking. She didn't want a "boy" toothbrush. I told her Santa must have forgotten about toothbrushes until the last minute and that is all he had left to give her.
This sad face is because Brent threw a wrapping paper ball at her head. No sense of humor this kid. We'll have to save wrapping paper fights till she's a bit older I guess.
The kids played with their toys until about 1:00 when we left home and went to Grandma's house.
We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at my mom's house. We exchanged presents and ate a great dinner. 
Emma got a new Ivy and Bean book. She is crazy about these books!
We got home early enough for baths and books. Emma is the best big sister and insisted on reading Isabelle her new book.
We had a great Christmas this year. I'm always so thankful this time of year. I feel so blessed beyond measure with an abundance of love, family, friends, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I am so blessed with amazing kids, a loving husband, and an enormous family that I can always count on for support and lots of fun. I'm thankful for all of you who have been a part of my life. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

See I'm leaving you a comment...Love your kids pictures, I was so sad we missed you on christmas morning but you must have got there right after we had to leave. Looks like you had a great day, love you guys!
What a fun Christmas! Your girls are beautiful!
So much fun! What a great post. I loved the smiles and the tears. They go hand in hand during the holidays. Love the great pictures! :)
your girls make me laugh-- it's a good thing they're sooo cute, because it's helping me convince Tommy that we should get a few of our own!
oh, hey, I just figured out how to leave my name. No more Anonymous!
Holy cow. You are the blog queen and your pictures are so stinking cute! I am envious and if your camera turns up missing, don't look at me!
Merry Christmas (and a Happy New Year!). Have I told you lately that your girls are adorable? I'm slightly jealous that you have three right in a row!
It's too bad we couldn't get together over the break. What happened to our best laid plans? I guess we all just got too busy with all the Christmas commotion. We always have this summer, right?
p.s. I love that you got pics of your little one crying. So classic. I got pics of both of mine crying their eyes out over the break too. Aren't we such tender parents?
Hello there, I love Christmas. Your pictures are so cute, how you get them to all look at the camera I will never know. It looks like you guys had fun, hope your new year is just as good!! Keep giving Ty words of encouragement, because I feel like sabotaging him :).
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