Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Night Before Christmas...

We woke up to this... Frozen trees! So beautiful. Tradition has us eating brunch at Brent's Mom's house followed by an afternoon out at the movies. This year we saw Bolt. It was very funny. The kids really liked it too. After the movie we went back to the house and opened presents and ate more food. This year Brent's Grandma was with us. It was nice having her there so that my kids could spend time with her. Lucy just loves her. She spent a lot of time sitting on her lap. We broke tradition this year and spent a quiet evening at our own home without a big dinner and without running all over the place to visit everyone. Our candle lit evening was spent watching The Nativity movie our church produced followed by a dinner of "Jerusalem type" foods that we ate sitting on the floor. I really wanted this Christmas Eve to be reverent and filled with the spirit of Christmas. This was by far my favorite Christmas Eve yet.

One of the longest running traditions in my family is the Christmas Eve Pj's. I know what you're thinking... and yes, I do have the cutest kids ever! After dinner, the kids went out in the cold to sprinkle reindeer food on the snow. It was of course magical reindeer food. Oats and sparkles.
Emma recited "The Night Before Christmas" and even had hand actions to go with it. We set out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for his reindeer. Unfortunately, I had to set another plate out because Walter ate all of the cookies. When I saw the plate was empty I was afraid that Santa came, ate the cookies and left without giving us presents. But then I saw the crumbs on Walters mustache! Dumb dog.
Merry Christmas!!!


Julie W said...

You do have the cutest kids. Love the last picture of "visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads" So, what type of "Jerusalem" foods did you serve?

By the way, are you planning to still be teaching preschool next year? Let me know when you start registration.

Cami said...

HA!! I LOVE that Walter ate the cookies! That totally made me laugh. We have the same pj tradition and love it. Also, Jerusalem food isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I had it the week before Christmas and was wishing for some turkey and mashed potatoes instead! But, I love that you were able to have a nice quiet evening with your family and spend it the way it should be spent, focusing on the reason we celebrate in the first place. And yes, your girls are adorable! :)

Staci said...

You are such a great mom! I think it's wonderful that you made sure all of the details were covered and that traditions were enjoyed and possibly created. Inspiration for us all!