Monday, December 22, 2008

Pro Look Christmas Party

Saturday night we went to Brent's company Christmas party. In years past these parties have always been hilarious and filled with wicked games of chance that end in either awesome prizes, cash $$, or you go home with screwdrivers. This year we played The Price is Right. It was very fun and there were some awesome prizes to be won. I poached some pictures off of Jane's Blog because I'm too lazy to download my own. I hope she doesn't mind.

This is Brent's work family.
Notice Brent... He's third over from the left. I laughed my butt off when I saw this. He's such a dork.
Here we all are... Brent is -again- doing something stupid in the shot...

This year Brent played for and won a pair of Sevens jeans and a Diesel jacket. Total retail price was something like $500.00! With this awesome outfit maybe he'll stop looking like such a dork in pictures. Seriously Brent... can you just try and not be so dumb??? How old are you anyways? All I really want for Christmas is for you to take a nice picture for once. Geesh! The best part of the night for me was after we had bid and won our prizes, one of which was a Hot Wheels car, Dusty (The Boss Man) asked if he could buy it back for his son KJ. Brent was about to give it to him when I yelled I'll sell it for $100.00. Ask and ye shall receive! I'm $100 richer! Apparently I have no shame when it comes to making a buck(:

Overall, The Rhodes know how to have a good time. I think it was one of the funniest parties yet.

1 comment:

Cami said...

I love work parties! We got jipped this year though, and didn't get one because of the economy ~ soooo I am jealous! It looks like you had a lot of fun. Brent is hilarious in his pics! HA! What a goof. Also... way to score $100 and the clothes! That is awesome. You look beautiful in all of you pics btw! :)