Such a Diva...
Nana (Brent's Mom) and Lu
We took the kids swimming at Lehi's Legacy Center. They had a blast. Lucy loves the water!
Brent and Lu
Even though Lucy is only 2, she has enough "nic" names to last a lifetime. She will answer to just about any of them. Here they are ...
Goober (Emma named her this when she was only a week old)
- Goober gee
- Goob
- Monkey
- Chunky Chee (Thank you Brent)
- Coco Lee
- Lu
- Louis
- Tiny T ?? (I have no idea why)
- Turkey
- Stinker
- Baby Diva
"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Lucy! I LOVE LOVE your nicknames! They are adorable. Also love the picture of Lucy crying... there seems to always be tears as some point and time during a party. :) From what I could tell... the cake looked yummy and cute!! Great job!
We love Lucy and think she is adorable. I, too, can't believe it has been two years. They have flown.
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