Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Emma's Story

Emma is so creative. She loves writing stories and songs and she loves all types of art. Here is her latest story that she wrote one night (Thanks to my ban on TV) . Caution... It is disgusting but very funny! I have rewritten it with corrected spelling but also included the original story in her own hand. Enjoy and prepare to be a bit disgusted.

Once upon a Story Book
By Ivy Agent (this is her alias)
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Once upon a story book there was a creature with a wand. The wand was a magic wand. It was not a good creature. But do you know what the wand did? It turned candy into poop! And it was Christmas eve! Which means Santa will leave candy canes and treats in their stockings! Two months ago the creature had fun. Because it was Halloween. And all the people in the world had Halloween. In fact even the creature had Halloween. You see here, the creature eats poop! That is why the creature

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has a wand that turns candy into poop. The creature looks dark brown with lite brown spots. He lives in a toilet drain. He moves from drain to drain so he can eat all the poop that comes down. He loves poop! But no one knows who he is because no one sees him. No one sees him because he flies fast! He really likes poop. In fact he LOVES POOP! But the worst part of all is that he comes out of the toilet and if you are blocking it he will bite your booty! And he has very sharp teeth!

I hope you enjoyed this dismal story as much as Brent and I did. We laughed so hard. The best part about her story is the way she tells it. She is so dramatic and animated. It is amazing to watch her preform. Oh, if she could only know how much we love her! She is so smart and a genius in her own way.


Brande J. said...

Oh my heck, that was the cutest little story! K, yeah, it was about poop, but how creative! What a smart little girl.

The Fox Den said...

That is a riot! We love Emma too!!!

Cami said...

SOO cute and funny!! What a smarty too! She has a such a great imagination... especially for someone her age. Good for her. I loved it! :)

Bjorn & Kris said...

OH my gosh!!! SO FUNNY!!!