Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School

It's that time of the year again. So full of mixed emotions. I have loved having my kids at home but the past few days they have been driving me crazy. I hear a lot of waaaa... bla bla bla.... waaaaa. It has gotten pretty annoying. Right now I'm more than happy to see them go. I know all the crappy behavior is because they're bored. I haven't been great at keeping them busy.
School is great and all, my kids LOVE it, but the thoughts to Home School creep up all the time. Yeah, I'm that mom... I have great ideas, I know what curriculum I would use, and I have a great plan to make it work. But I have to mention that in my home school plan we live in a little white farm house and we have cows & chickens and I sew all our clothes... Well, Unfortunately it will never happen. Mr. Lloyd is opposed to the idea and I know myself and kids too well. We would get sick of each other & the kids would stop listening to me after awhile. In the end it is better that I am mom and not school teacher too. But for the time they are little they have a great preschool teacher (ME) and then it is bonjour kiddos.
This year Lucy Jane is officially old enough to be part of my Busy Bees Preschool. She has always been around during school time but more like our class pet instead of student. She is excited and I am a little unsure how she will transition from class pet to full on sit still and behave kind of kid. Cross my fingers it goes well. Lucy is great at throwing fits while I'm teaching because she knows I am too busy with the other children and usually give her what she wants. I'll let you know how it goes... Preschool starts on Wednesday!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Fun

What can I say about this summer... it was a bit of a flop. I really didn't do much with the kiddos that didn't take place at home. Sure we had a few fun outings and all, but for the most part it was a lot of lazy days. I've been so lazy that I'm thinking I should take on the nick name of Captain Sweat Pants! I'm pretty sure our family has kept Netflix busy this summer with all the movies we've been watching. It's been great. I have loved every bit of the lazy. I think the kids have too. I hate to see the Summer end. Sigh... I didn't take many pictures this summer (at least ones that weren't of Henry) But here are some of what I got...
We went on a family camp out just 1week after I had Henry. Looking back I'm wondering what I was thinking??? Most likely I was still on pain pills and not in my right mind. It was so much fun!
Seriously people, how cute is he? 1 week old and so handsome. Oh I love him to pieces! From the look on her face, Isabelle must be afraid of something. Summer wouldn't be Summer without our tradition of going to the Freedom Festival parade followed by a picnic at grandma's house... It was so cold this year that we all had to bundle up. The sun didn't make it out til later in the day. Brent and his parents took the girls up to Stewart Falls. I thought about going but the idea of nursing a baby while sitting on a rock didn't sound that fun to me. I wasn't on pain pills anymore and finally thinking straight so I stayed home. There were A few trips to the pool this summer. Probably not as many as the girls would have liked but can you blame me? The pool isn't my favorite place to be these days... But I don't mind sitting poolside with a good book while the kids play with Mr. Lloyd School starts on Wednesday and we can say goodbye to summer til next year.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Henry's Blessing

We blessed our little Henry B. on August 1st. It was a wonderful day. We had so many family and friends come to support us and celebrate our new little guy.

We aren't a church with much pageantry and there isn't a lot of fan fair during this blessing ceremony but for me it is so special and beautiful. I was able to feel the spirit as the priesthood bearers stood in a circle holding my baby while my husband gave him a name and a blessing. I like to think about Christ blessing the little children, with authority from our Heavenly Father, and know we have the same authority in the Church today. Knowing this brings me so much comfort and peace. Henry has already brought our family so much happiness and we are all so in love with him. I'm so thankful I get to be his mommy!

Brent kept making choo choo train noises on account of his hat. I thought he looked sweet!

John Fortie (Great Grandpa), Brent (Daddy), & Curt Fortie (Grandpa).

Grandpa Bob & Grandma Valerie
Great Grandpa Fortie, & Great Grandma Fortie

Our little babies are only 8 weeks apart. I just know they are going to have the best time growing up together. Grandpa Steve, Brent, & Uncle Craig...

Don't you just love all the bald heads? So handsome.Grandma Marie three buddies

Friday, August 20, 2010

Education Week

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my sister Heather and niece Lexus at BYU to take a few classes. We went to a lecture about C.S. Lewis (boring), a class on finding your life's mission (AWESOME), and a class on scripture study (informative).
Despite having an upset stomach the entire time and leaving earlier than planned, I still got some good info to take home that I think will better my life.

My favorite lesson from the day was about keeping a journal that you can tie into personal scripture study. The idea is to record your own history so that you can remember spiritual as well as everyday experiences and be able to learn your life lessons. The scriptures we read now were nothing more at the time they were written than a journal of everyday experiences. It was suggested in the lecture that our journals will become our personal Scripture to help guide us through our life mission. I LOVE this idea! I've heard it before but it has really sunk in now. I have always loved keeping a journal. They are my most cherished possessions. A priceless record. I've always felt they are the reason I have been able avoid making mistakes over and over again. It is because I've recorded how I felt in times of good choices and in times of bad choices.

The speaker gave us the concept of keeping a "3 words a day" journal. Crazy I know! But the idea is that you can spend a few minutes each day recording your memories in just 3 words that only you know what they mean. Then later, write in the details. For example I can write my experience yesterday as "BYU Stomach Flu". I've never had the flu at BYU before so I will always know what time I'm talking about.
Another 3 word example is "Girls Camp Bandits". This is a story of a day of decision for me of a time I made the good choice to go to girls camp (when I really didn't want to). I believe this decision put me on the right path for the rest of my life. I can then write the 3 words in the margin of my scriptures Alma 7:19 and have a personal story to give the verse meaning to me. Anyway, maybe you get the point or maybe you don't. But it was such a great idea to get your journaling done each day and being able to apply it to scripture study that I had to share it!
I really do love to journal and I think that blogging one way I can remember life as I know it today. President Spencer W. Kimball said: “I urge all of the people of this church to give serious attention to their family histories, to encourage their parents and grandparents to write their journals, and let no family go into eternity without having left their memoirs for their children, their grandchildren, and their posterity.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Emma's 9th Birthday

Emma is 9 now. She is growing up so fast. It's so enjoyable for me to watch her learn and develop her talents. She really is an amazing loving girl.

  • She is a great big sister and is very "cleaver" at getting Isabelle to do her chores for her and buy her things so she can save her money. I have to laugh at this behavior because it is what big sister do...

  • Emma is incredibly compassionate and loving.

  • She will snuggle with anyone at anytime of the day.

  • She LOVES to read books and write stories.

  • She is a great little artist.

  • She is very talented in music and is becoming a great pianist.

  • She is a straight A student and puts homework before most anything else.

  • She has a funny sense of style (see her socks in the below pictures).

  • She will watch movies with me that no one else in the family will.

  • Although she has a brilliant mind and is very smart, she is still kind of "dingy" and spacey. (I think she has inherited this trait from my mom).

  • She loves making schedules and lists to follow.

  • She has an amazing sense of humor.

  • Most of all I love how creative and imaginative she is.

Happy Birthday!