Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School part 2

Thursday was Isabelle's first day of Kindergarten. I don't think there has ever been a little girl more excited to start school. Upon my insistence, I took her to the bus stop and like I did with Emma, met her at the school. Little miss independent could have cared less that I was there. In fact she seemed a bit annoyed. But that didn't stop me from taking pictures and getting all weepy and stuff. I miss her already. I love it that her backpack is bigger than she is. Maya, Taya, Brooke, & Isabelle
(They are all starting kindergarten together)Our neighbor Sam took charge of getting all the little girls off the bus. It makes me feel a little better knowing that the big sisters can be responsible in helping the little ones get the hang of things.
One more first day of school to go (preschool starts on Wednesday) and then we will really be in the swing of things. Back to school is great and all but I could have really used another month of summer.