Friday, April 17, 2009


We spent the Easter weekend in the teeny tiny town of Paragonah at my Grandma's house. It was a great weekend and very relaxing. Just what we needed. I would love to still be there and probably would be but, my grandma has since left for New Zealand. We all love it there and I wonder why we don't go more often. Here are some pics of our Easter fun...

Saturday was the hunt

Lucy was cranky that day
I think this was the worst Easter Bunny I've ever seen. It looks more like an Easter Goat. As you can see, Lucy was terrified. Coloring eggs... While we were at church the Easter Goat hid baskets and candy outside.

Happy Easter


The Fox Den said...

Cute! Hug Lucy for me... I was terrified of the goat! Glad you had such a good time.

Tiffany said...

That is one weird bunny. but the hunt and dresses look great. Glad you had a good time.

Cami said...

I love the Grumpy Lucy shots! :) And yes, creepy bunny/goat thingy. Weird! I guess you get what you get down in Paragonah... ! I am always so envious when I see your fun Grandma's house. I want one! Love the cute pictures!

Andy and Jodi said...

Okay that bunny was way creepy. I would have been scared too. You need to teach me how to do the collage of pictures. I am looser and don't know how. HELP I need a tutorial! Your girls are so dam* cute!

Julie W said...

I love that you documented Lucy's grumpiness. I think there is a reason most bunny costumes come with the full head, how to you do bunny makeup?

ScennyLloyd said...

Hey this is Brent's cousin Scott's wife and I know you dont know me but your posts always make me laugh and this one did not disapoint! I am still laughing at the easter goat. Too funny! Keep the posts coming...I am often in need of a good laugh. :)