Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Santa Came!!!The girls woke up at about 8:00 and didn't waste any time getting to their presents. These "cubs" are what they wanted the most. They are sooo cute. They purrr and growl and fall asleep while you pet them. Isabelle LOVES Barbies. She has been asking for this one since September. I'm super happy that Emma got one of these. Mostly because I wanted one my whole life and never got one. I can't wait to play with it. hehe! This sad face is because of the toothbrush in her stocking. She didn't want a "boy" toothbrush. I told her Santa must have forgotten about toothbrushes until the last minute and that is all he had left to give her. This sad face is because Brent threw a wrapping paper ball at her head. No sense of humor this kid. We'll have to save wrapping paper fights till she's a bit older I guess. The kids played with their toys until about 1:00 when we left home and went to Grandma's house. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at my mom's house. We exchanged presents and ate a great dinner. Emma got a new Ivy and Bean book. She is crazy about these books!We got home early enough for baths and books. Emma is the best big sister and insisted on reading Isabelle her new book.We had a great Christmas this year. I'm always so thankful this time of year. I feel so blessed beyond measure with an abundance of love, family, friends, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I am so blessed with amazing kids, a loving husband, and an enormous family that I can always count on for support and lots of fun. I'm thankful for all of you who have been a part of my life. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Night Before Christmas...

We woke up to this... Frozen trees! So beautiful. Tradition has us eating brunch at Brent's Mom's house followed by an afternoon out at the movies. This year we saw Bolt. It was very funny. The kids really liked it too. After the movie we went back to the house and opened presents and ate more food. This year Brent's Grandma was with us. It was nice having her there so that my kids could spend time with her. Lucy just loves her. She spent a lot of time sitting on her lap. We broke tradition this year and spent a quiet evening at our own home without a big dinner and without running all over the place to visit everyone. Our candle lit evening was spent watching The Nativity movie our church produced followed by a dinner of "Jerusalem type" foods that we ate sitting on the floor. I really wanted this Christmas Eve to be reverent and filled with the spirit of Christmas. This was by far my favorite Christmas Eve yet.

One of the longest running traditions in my family is the Christmas Eve Pj's. I know what you're thinking... and yes, I do have the cutest kids ever! After dinner, the kids went out in the cold to sprinkle reindeer food on the snow. It was of course magical reindeer food. Oats and sparkles.
Emma recited "The Night Before Christmas" and even had hand actions to go with it. We set out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for his reindeer. Unfortunately, I had to set another plate out because Walter ate all of the cookies. When I saw the plate was empty I was afraid that Santa came, ate the cookies and left without giving us presents. But then I saw the crumbs on Walters mustache! Dumb dog.
Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snowed in...

Yesterday we were supposed to go to Soldier Hollow with my family + cousins and aunts and uncles and go tubing. Well, it snowed so much that Provo canyon closed and we weren't able to go. So instead, we spent the morning playing in the snow at home with the neighbors and then we headed over to my mom's house to have lunch which lasted long after dinner. It was a nice snowed in kind of day.
My three

LucyThe kids built a snow fort in our driveway.Here are the cousins at grandma's house.Bronnson was very sweet to Emma and took her on the four wheeler around my mom's backyard. Pleasant Grove got about 8" of snow yesterday. Her yard looked so pretty. Today, Brent helped Emma build an igloo. She was out in the snow at 10:00 am and didn't come in until 4:00 pm. The kid loves the snow. After all the neighbor kids have gone inside, she is still out there building and playing.

I don't know about the rest of you but I LOVE Utah winter. I love shoveling the walks and bundling up in warm clothes. Last night after the kids were in bed I took Walter out for a slippery walk around the neighborhood and then stayed outside until about 10:00 pm. playing in the snow with Brent. So far we are having a great Christmas Vacation!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pro Look Christmas Party

Saturday night we went to Brent's company Christmas party. In years past these parties have always been hilarious and filled with wicked games of chance that end in either awesome prizes, cash $$, or you go home with screwdrivers. This year we played The Price is Right. It was very fun and there were some awesome prizes to be won. I poached some pictures off of Jane's Blog because I'm too lazy to download my own. I hope she doesn't mind.

This is Brent's work family.
Notice Brent... He's third over from the left. I laughed my butt off when I saw this. He's such a dork.
Here we all are... Brent is -again- doing something stupid in the shot...

This year Brent played for and won a pair of Sevens jeans and a Diesel jacket. Total retail price was something like $500.00! With this awesome outfit maybe he'll stop looking like such a dork in pictures. Seriously Brent... can you just try and not be so dumb??? How old are you anyways? All I really want for Christmas is for you to take a nice picture for once. Geesh! The best part of the night for me was after we had bid and won our prizes, one of which was a Hot Wheels car, Dusty (The Boss Man) asked if he could buy it back for his son KJ. Brent was about to give it to him when I yelled I'll sell it for $100.00. Ask and ye shall receive! I'm $100 richer! Apparently I have no shame when it comes to making a buck(:

Overall, The Rhodes know how to have a good time. I think it was one of the funniest parties yet.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Lucy Jane

Lucy turned 2 last Friday. With the blink of an eye she's not my baby anymore. She is a little kid now. Two years seems like a lifetime but also just minutes. I can't imagine our family without her. Lucy has been my busiest child. She is a big ball of life, mischief, wonder, and silliness. Some days I think I gave birth to a monkey not a baby. But monkey or not she is so beautiful and spirited. I can only imagine what the rest of her life will bring. Happy Birthday Lucy!

Such a Diva...

Nana (Brent's Mom) and Lu
Grandma Valerie and Lucy



We took the kids swimming at Lehi's Legacy Center. They had a blast. Lucy loves the water!

Brent and Lu

Even though Lucy is only 2, she has enough "nic" names to last a lifetime. She will answer to just about any of them. Here they are ...

Goober (Emma named her this when she was only a week old)

  1. Goober gee

  2. Goob

  3. Monkey

  4. Chunky Chee (Thank you Brent)

  5. Coco Lee

  6. Lu

  7. Louis

  8. Tiny T ?? (I have no idea why)

  9. Turkey

  10. Stinker

  11. Baby Diva

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Emma's Story

Emma is so creative. She loves writing stories and songs and she loves all types of art. Here is her latest story that she wrote one night (Thanks to my ban on TV) . Caution... It is disgusting but very funny! I have rewritten it with corrected spelling but also included the original story in her own hand. Enjoy and prepare to be a bit disgusted.

Once upon a Story Book
By Ivy Agent (this is her alias)
Page 1
Once upon a story book there was a creature with a wand. The wand was a magic wand. It was not a good creature. But do you know what the wand did? It turned candy into poop! And it was Christmas eve! Which means Santa will leave candy canes and treats in their stockings! Two months ago the creature had fun. Because it was Halloween. And all the people in the world had Halloween. In fact even the creature had Halloween. You see here, the creature eats poop! That is why the creature

Page 2
has a wand that turns candy into poop. The creature looks dark brown with lite brown spots. He lives in a toilet drain. He moves from drain to drain so he can eat all the poop that comes down. He loves poop! But no one knows who he is because no one sees him. No one sees him because he flies fast! He really likes poop. In fact he LOVES POOP! But the worst part of all is that he comes out of the toilet and if you are blocking it he will bite your booty! And he has very sharp teeth!

I hope you enjoyed this dismal story as much as Brent and I did. We laughed so hard. The best part about her story is the way she tells it. She is so dramatic and animated. It is amazing to watch her preform. Oh, if she could only know how much we love her! She is so smart and a genius in her own way.