Mom- "Isabelle put on your shoes."
Isabelle - "I don't know where they are."
Mom- "They're upstairs in your room."
Isabelle- "I can't go all the way up there. I just got downstairs!"
Mom- "Here. Wear these ones." I handed her her brown tweed flats with the pink bow.
Isabelle- "MOM! I can't wear these! They're fall shoes and it's still Summer!"
Oh my! I've created a premature teenager!
Oh my, you're in trouble! She's a riot... I love it!
at least she has good fashion sense, *wink*
So cute! I love the cute things kids say. How smart of her too.
Teenager? She'll be one sophisticated teenager if that's how she's starting out -- I had no idea until my third year in college that people actually change the fabrics they wear with the seasons. What? Since when is linen not appropriate in Winter?
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