Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family swim

Last Monday we were invited to go to a surprise party for Brent's cousin. As you can see it was a pool party at this amazing backyard pool. I didn't go cuz I'm a nerd and wanted to finish reading my current book. I get so wrapped up in them it's hard for me to do anything else. If I'd known how awesome this pool was going to be I would have been more than happy to drop my book and join the rest of my family for some swimming.

This backyard pool rivals any I have ever seen. I really want one! I'll start saving now.
Emma has goggles that fit but she likes these ones the best.

Lucy and her grandma Marie

This pool has every thing... Brent, Emma and Lu. (I have no idea where Iza was this whole time because Brent didn't
take any pictures of her. Way to leave out the middle kid Dad!)You might have to do a double take on this picture. It's Emma and Craig. He looks just like Brent.


Allison said...

now that is a pool!

what is the book that kept you so absorbed? i'm curious.

Celia said...

At least your husband picks up the camera. Unless there is fishing, climbing, or hiking involved, Scott doesn't even think of taking pictures. (Sadly enough, even during/after childbirth. Capturing important family memories -- away from nature -- is lost on Scott). So all I'm saying is ... count your many blessings ... and find out how we can sneak into that backyard pool next time I'm down!

Julie W said...

That's not just a pool, it's a resort. I hope the book and quiet was worth it.

Cami said...

Holy cool pool!!! Wow!! I want one!