Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Picture Day

Last weekend we went up to Little Cottonwood Canyon, with Brent's family, for family picture day. I took my own camera and Brent and I snapped a few pics of our own before the battery died. I haven't seen the professional ones yet but I was pleased with the way these ones turned out. It's not very often that I hop in the pictures with my kids. But on this rare occasion I was pimple free and not wearing "P.E." clothes so I figured why not!
I could very well have the worlds cutest girls!

My very own McDreamy.


jaredean said...


The Fox Den said...


Cami said...

Sooo cute!! You all look beautiful( and handsome:)) They turned out really well. I love Lucy's eyes in her solo portrait. They are gorgeous blue!

Mandy said...

You guys are so cute, and your hair is getting long. Where did you take them at? I can't believe how old your kids are....weird. That picture of you kissing Brent is ADORABLE!

Julie W said...

You are all beautiful! And everyone looks so happy.

Anonymous said...

Your family is HOT STUFF!

Brande J. said...

Those are really pictures! I love family pictures and you look so cute.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Great pictures!! You're right, you do have beautiful girls!! They're all so cute!

Celia said...

Cute family! I love the black and white.

Beckstead Gang said...

I LOVE your hair here! Your Family is so darn cute. I love the one of you kissing Brent. You two are a match made in heaven!

Bob and Valerie said...

I know this is a month late, but those are the cutest pictures ever. Why don't you email them to me. And yes, you do have the cutest girls.