Friday, May 2, 2008

Farm Country Field Trip

I don't usually post my preschool on the family blog but I thought some of these pictures were cute. This was the last field trip for the year. Phew! I always stress about taking all the kids out but usually calm down once we are in cars and driving to the adventure that awaits!

In case you didn't already know... I've been teaching preschool for three years now. It's great being so involved in my own girls early education. If I thought I could pull it off, I'd home school them all through elementary. But they stop listening to me after a while... I'm lucky to be able to do what I love. Hang out and play with kids!

Me and some of the kids
My IzaThe Animals...


Natalie said...

I didn't know you taught preschool. That is great! I am sure you are a super teacher!

Julie W said...

Yes she is!!!