Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Isabear!

4 years old today!!! If I could only stop time... Four years seems like a lifetime to me. Only because I feel like I have know her my entire life. She is so much a part of me. The day she was born I knew and felt that I was reuniting with someone I had already loved and lived with. It's hard to put into words the strong bond we have that defies time as we know it. I love it that I am her mom. She is one of my greatest blessings. Happy Birthday buggy! You are the best four year old I know!This is what I loved the most about age 3:

We have to say at least 2 bed time prayers every night. (Just in case...)

She knows all High School Musical songs and will sing them to anyone who wants to hear

She studies the alphabet intently and figures out how to spell words. (I think she's a genius)

She gets mad if you forget to call her "Mackenzie" when she's playing make believe. (Even if you don't know she's playing.) And she gets mad if your too loud when her baby is napping

She dresses herself in the most "creative" selection of clothes (mostly pj's) and is already particular about how I do her hair.

Most of all I love her sweet sweet kisses and snuggles


The Fox Den said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Julie W said...

Happy Birthday Isa. That's cute you call her Isabear, we call Erin Erbear.