Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Eight Years

Today is our anniversary! 8 years!I read a while ago that the most important decision you will ever make is who you will marry. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. If this is true then that means I owe 90% of my happiness to Brent! Thanks for bringing so much happiness to my life. These are just a few reasons why I love being married to Brent:

He has a love for the Gospel and honors his Priesthood calling

He is the best father to our girls

He is the most positive and enthusiastic person I know

He has a grateful and forgiving heart.

He cooks dinner at least 5 nights a week

He does laundry and gives the kids their baths

He is true to his word

He loves me!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! You look beautiful! I have never seen these pictures!

harmony said...

Happy Anniversary. I loved reading those things about Brent. What a great guy. You two are so great together.

Unknown said...

Holy crap we are awesome! Here is why i love Mandy. She is the best mom ever...i have so many people tell me the admire her as a mother and her love for our kids. The girl cracks me up- she has the best sense of humor. She has so many creative talents that really demonstrate her love for everyone...from making custom cards to preparing lessons for church- she really puts a lot of time into the things she creates.
Happy 8 years baby! I look forward to the next 80!

Julie W said...

How sweet. What beautiful pictures!

David and Maggi said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You are such a fun couple. You wedding pics are georgeous. Your hair looks so light Mandy and Brent almost looks like he has hair :)

Celia said...

Awww ... cute post! I'm so glad I was there for your "big" day! Remember that I came home from Brazil early so I could be at your wedding? That's right, you were THAT important to me!

Happy Anniversary!

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary. Those pictures are timeless. You are a beautiful couple. I am so happy for you both.

The Fox Den said...

Congrats! I remember looking through your beautiful wedding album when we stopped by your place in CO... fun stuff!

Brindy said...

Great memories! You guys are so cute together -- two peas in a pod. :) Can't believe it's been 8 years already.

Mandy said...

Congrats you two! Those pictures are so cute and you guys are lucky to have each other! Lets get together again soon.

Heats said...

Hey you! I just saw you on Brindy's cute blog. Looks like you added another cute little girl since the last time I saw you. Hope everything is well!