Saturday, April 12, 2008

How does your garden grow?

WaHoo! It's finally warm and I get to play in my garden and plant my peas. I adore gardening. (This is not to be mistaken with yard work which I only tolerate because I like my yard to look pretty.) I love planting vegetables and flowers from seeds and watching them grow. For me it's so rewarding. Gardening helps me to appreciate how people lived in the days before Albertsons and Macey's. I sort of feel connected to my ancestors from it. (I know... sort of cheesy but true.)

Anyhoo, I'm a huge fan of Square Foot Gardening. It is the only way I know how to get food to grow. If you've been garden shy this is a great way to learn. I totally recommend it. I have had huge success. Last year we ate lettuce, beans, squash, tomatoes and some potatoes all summer/fall long. I even gave a bunch away because we couldn't eat enough of it. I like to think of my little hobby as practice in case there becomes a real need for us to provide our own food. I'd hate to starve to death while I worked out the kinks. we spent a few hours in the yard prepping the boxes for planting. I was able to get peas and lettuce in. The girls were totally into digging for worms to have as pets. They found 9! Lucky worms. This year I told Emma and Iza that they could have their own box to plant whatever they want. But they have to take care of it.

I'm hoping that I can keep Lucy from digging in the boxes. I might have to build a little fence this year to keep her out.


Mandy said...

I hate gardening and yard work, so when the end of the world comes I will need you to send some my way. Thank you.

The Fox Den said...

Lissette's coming over today to help me build mine... literally! I'll be calling :)

Anonymous said...

I so want to start a veggie garden! You are so awesome! Looks great!

David and Maggi said...

I love gardens too but I have never actually planted one. Since we don't have a yard I want to plant a little herb garden. I can't believe how much Lucy is starting to look like her sisters and how big they are all getting. I hate that we never get to come to Utah. Life is just too darn busy!

harmony said...

I got to see your cute family at the pool today. Missed you. Be sure to bring some of those fresh veggies to our 'fancy' party.

Brindy said...

Miss Mandy is so homemakey! :) Way to go....that is just too much work for me right now. It looks and sounds like fun and definitely rewarding. When I start one I'll come to you for advice. Did you buy your boxes or make them?