Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Break fun

In the few moments that none of us were sick we were able to do a few fun things. Brent took the week off so that we could spend some quality family time together. Our "quality time" was spent throwing up, cleaning it up, feeling good for a few hours, playing, getting sick again, repeat... This lasted the entire week. But it's finally over. Phew! We did have a few bits of fun in between the yuck.
Brent took the kids swimming at the Legacy Center... This is Iza's favorite place in the entire world. Just look at her face.
I took Isabelle to the movie (Emma was still feeling sick.) Iza was good enough to wait till we got home before she let loose of her lunch and popcorn. I thought it was a super cute movie anyway.

Brent and Lucy Jane hunkered down for a quick sick nap.
Emma felt good enough to ride the segway through the neighborhood. It might have made her sea sick because she sat on the couch all night after with another tummy ache.
We had the first BBQ of the season on Friday night with the Saunders and Roberts. By the way guys, if you picked up our flu bug I'm super sorry. I have been worried about that all day. Thanks for coming anyways.

It will be good to get back to real life. I'm glad we still have the sabbath tomorrow to rest up and feel better before work and school starts back up.


The Fox Den said...

Sorry you all were sick too! Just Abe has had it so far we will see... Can't wait to hit the legacy center! It looks great!

Mandy said...

That is the last time I come to your house for a BBQ! We are all throwing up, it is so disgusting!! I can't stand the flu. Yesterday it was me and Livy, today its Ty. Ethan hasn't got it yet, I'm praying he doesn't. Anyway, we had a lot of fun and it's always good to hang out! See ya soon, hopefully.

harmony said...

It was worth getting the flu. I've only been queezy but Oakley threw up a bunch. Everett is already on nausea meds so I'm not sure if he caught it or not. We haven't had any fevers though so that's good. I plan on getting together again soon.

Unknown said...

you guys have the cutest family i've ever seen. it's so fun to see everyone! love and miss you tons!

Brindy said...

Wow -- it seems like every other blog you are saying you spent the weekend throwing up. I'm sorry you had a crappy weekend. I think we're all waiting for the spring to come and the flu bugs to GO AWAY!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. Cutest kids ever.