Thursday, April 3, 2008

While Dad's away the kids will play... or get pneumonia

Brent is gone for five days to Florida and I find out today that Lucy doesn't have asthma but pneumonia and an ear infection. When I took her to the doctor this morning her temp was 104! And here I was thinking she was faking to get out of eating her oatmeal. Poor Baby. I spent all day on the couch watching lifetime TV while she slept in my arms. Then 3:00 came and it was finally safe to give her medicine. All I have to say is that I have never been more thankful for children's Motrin!Here she is pre-Motrin.

After- Motrin! Perhaps she was faking all along.

What would a sick baby do without her three favorite things. Piggy, huggy, and a sippy!

Emma and Iza have been so great taking care of themselves while I have been pre occupied with Lucy. They have been vegging out watching TV for the last hour now. Although I'm sure they don't mind. I am hoping that by Saturday things are back to normal and we can have our girls day of fun like we planned.


Unknown said...

I am looking at this while working at Panera Bread, which by the way is one of the tastiest places on earth and FREEE INTERNET! I love you guys so much and miss you a ton. Super cute post Buddy...tell the girls i will bring them back something Floridian!

The Fox Den said...

Stink! I hope she is doing better and YES we love Motrin too :)

Mandy said...

Here's the situation. I don't have your email address but I wanted to tell you thank you for coming to my party. I had so much fun with you and Harmony. Just like old times-except with kids. How did we grow up so fast? Anyway, I told Harmony that having you two there truly made my night. I'm so glad you came, it was a lot of fun. Let's really get together soon, I miss everyone!! Love, me. P.S. Lucy looks just like you! Crazy how that happens huh?

The Robinson Family said...

You got it right, it was a fly by the seat of our pants move and it kicked my butt. We love the TriCities though. It will be a good thing for us. We will miss you guys too. I told Brent when you come see Heather you will have to come see us! Good luck with your sick kids. No fun at all. Plz let me know when you get the CDs.

Love ya,

Bob and Valerie said...

What a cute family. I am sorry the girls were so sick during your vacation time. We miss seeing you more. lovebob_