Saturday, April 5, 2008

Good times

Friday night was a hoot. That's right I said hoot. I know it is an old fashion world that my mom still uses all the time, but now that my old friends and I are saying goodbye to the fab 20's, we should really think about changing our slang to that of an older and more mature generation. So, from now on I will use the word hoot to describe good times as opposed to words like blast and riot. It is time we act our age dang it! No more shopping at Holister and Abercrombie with all the whipper snappers. It's time we head on over to The Dress Barn and shop for a bargain. After all, retirement is just days away now.
Any hoo, I loved being with two of my very best friends from high school to celebrate Mandy's big 3-0! We haven't changed a bit. Just older and well, not so spastic and hormonal. The only disappointment from the night was not having more old friends there. I would have loved to see Tyler Roberts old college girlfriend Margaret there. Though, I don't think she will ever forgive him for ratting her out about stealing the Pepsi from the reservation. Although if my memory serves me correct it wasn't a Pepsi it was a TAB! (Consider this my attempt at an inside joke that only Tyler and Mandy will appreciate.) I love being able to laugh about our insane teen and college years. We have come a long way! Happy birthday M.P.

An homage to our youth...

Our runaway trip to Vegas for new years eve 1995!
Seven friends and the Marshmallow!

Who do we think we are? TLC?
Don't go chasin waterfalls...


Mandy said...

Are you kidding me? What is the deal with me in that last picture? That is so embarrasing, although I still look exactly like that now. Really, I do. How funny you brought up Margaret. I wonder if she has won another crown, probably not with her shady history of stealing. Isn't that the trip where Harmony parents told her she couldn't go but they were out of town so she went anyway? Remember walking for hours in Vegas trying to find the stupid van? Good times indeed! By the way, if I ever see you shopping in the Dress Barn you are dead to me from that point on. Thanks for coming to my party, I loved every second of it! Call me soon! Love ya.

Anonymous said...

I am so bummed I couldn't have been there! We went on a spur of the moment trip to St. George. Looks like it was fun! I think Celia is coming this summer, so we should all get together soon!

Love ya!

By the way, London has that exact blanked shown in the last post. It is the one thing she can not live without!

TR said...

Careful, Ivie – don’t make me bust out some “Dugan” reference on your arse! I would have been much more careful of my actions around you had I known that you possessed an elephant-like memory. I’m almost scared to think about some of the things that you might remember.

David and Maggi said...

You are looking pretty skinny HOT mamma!

Natalie said...

How fun! That is great you still keep in touch. Hilarious pictures!

Anonymous said...

We can get together anytime! London would love to play with your girls. Or we can leave them all behind and go out on the town. Or up the canyon for some real fun and then to taco bell afterwards... "Oh no, the evidence!!!" We were so dumb, hilarious yes, but dumb nonetheless... HA!

harmony said...

Where the @#$% did you get those! Those are hilarious. 30 is starting to look a lot better now. And yes, my sister still brings up that trip where I went anyway. Those are classic.

The Fox Den said...

That is a riot!!! I love it!!