Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Seizing the Day

You might just wet your office chair right now when you see that I'm blogging again. I just couldn't stay away when the masses  {my mom-in-law} keep begging me to blog again. It really isn't fair of me to keep our lives so private when we have the ability to inspire so many.

So far, this summer has been great!  We're all up at the crack of dawn and making the most of our time. You know, seize the day kind of stuff. It really is my motto. Just ask my kids.
My house is in tip top shape. Some might even call it  immaculate. I love how homey and comfortable it is. Some days, it's hard to leave on account of how relaxed I feel here. I think tranquil is the word I'm looking for.

The kids have been so well behaved. They are getting to the age where they are becoming more self sufficient. So, while I'm busy seizing the day, the girls have been so good to help me out with Henry. They're great to get him snacks and play with him. A couple of little mothers. They're the BEST!

I have big plans for the blog this summer... Feel free to stop in and read up on what keeps us going, what inspires us, and all the adventures that we'll soon have. It's going to be great!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Birthday Boy

Isn't this the cutest birthday boy ever? My little buddy turned two ion June 10th.  He's got to be the sweetest two year old around. One minute he's running around half naked and crazy the next minute he is giving me cuddles and kisses. Oh I love him! 
 Henry is really into Thomas the Train these days. He'll sit still for about 3 minutes to watch choo choo.  I had really wanted to have a mustache party for him but I thought he'd like this better. Plus, it was easy. I had a fun time making his cake. It took a while but it was worth it.

 At 2 Henry loves:
Playing in his sand box
Choo Choo trains
To go for rides in the car 
His Daddy 
Cup Cakes
The ipad
Plugging in things
Sitting in his rocking chair for night time snuggles
Climbing on things
Walks in his stroller

Seriously... I am in love with his face! I just can't get over how dang cute it is. 

Why the birthday tears? He was sad I wouldn't let him eat his cake in the family room.

It was a perfect day for our family. We love our little buddy so much. Our family wouldn't be complete without him. I am thankful for every single day I have with my little guy.