Disneyland is always a good idea! Even when you're broke. I'll blame the lack of $$$ on "the economy". But where there's a will there's a way. We started this Disney savings jar 2 years ago. It paid for the majority of our trip and it was worth every penny sacrificed. The kids pitched in their pennies and Mr. Lloyd picked up a side gig to add to the jar. The girls also agreed that this vacation would be most of their Christmas too. So there you have it. Our will & our Way.

Mr. Lloyd & I have been to Disneyland 5 times in the last 10 years. We have seen the magic Kingdom in every season. I have to say that Christmas is by far the best! The decorations are beautiful, there are no lines, and the magic even makes it snow at night while you watch fire works in the sky. Walt sure knows how to put on a show.
Emma & Isabelle loved Minnie Mouse the most.
We played on Pirate Island for about an hour. It was great because there weren't very many people there. The kids pretty much had free reign over the place. Mr. thought it would be a good idea for a wise guy teen to bring a sleeping bag and hide in the trees and stay the night. He didn't think any one would catch them.
LOVED Green Army Guy.
You may notice a lack of Lucy in the pictures. She wasn't in a social mood & really didn't want to be bothered by meeting Disney characters.
She did a lot of this...
...and made this face a lot.
The only way I could get her to meet anyone was to put her in official charge of the autograph book and marker. 
I can officially check taking the kids to see Santa off the to do list.
The newest attraction that we hadn't yet been to was Pixie Hollow. Super cute.
Night time at Disney is my absolute favorite...

Isabelle loved every ride. After each one she would yell "Let's do that one again!" She wasn't afraid of the big rides. She even gave The Tower of Terror a go. I was even too chicken for that. 

Henry was amazing! He was such a good baby. He didn't cry at all. He was just as happy as I could have wished for. We have taken all of our babies to Disneyland. We thought we had a pretty good system for getting hot water for bottles, changing diapers, naps, and such. Well as it turns out, about 15 minutes before we left the park for good, we discovered the baby care center. How did we miss this? It would have made things so much easier.
Emma was a trooper. She was still getting over the flu on our first day. She seemed so tried by noon but kept on going til night. By our 2nd day is was her old self again. 
Grandma & Grandpa were with us the last 2 days of the vacation. Our original plan was to have my brother Jared and his kids along too but that part didn't work out. It was great having them spend the time with us.
Best Picture of the vacation. Doesn't fatherhood look so good on Mr. Lloyd? "He's so handsome. Just like his reward picture."(Can you name that Disney movie?)

The wicked queen was hilarious. She glared at everyone and was a total witch. She said to us, "I'm done with you. Be gone now!". Grandpa Bob was sad she didn't sign the autograph book.
Notice Bob in the back right of the picture. He's beaming because he chased the wicked queen down & got her to give him her autograph. Some might even go as far to accuse him of stalking her... 

I think that we'll keep our giant jar of Disneyland savings going. I like the idea of 2013. Who's with me? The more the merrier! We'll have good memories of this trip. It was time well spent.