Sunday, May 3, 2009

I saw it!

I've waited my whole life to see the weinermobile and it finally happened! As we were leaving Walmart Emma said "look a giant weiner car!" I almost peed. I couldn't believe it. The Oscar Mayer Weinermobile drove right past us and then came to a stop in front of the store.
What great luck don't you think??? A few minutes off and I would have missed it. I grabbed the camera and took off running. Pretty cool hu!

One of my dream jobs is to be hotdogger. Pretty much it's like being the ice cream man but with hotdogs. You get to drive a giat hotdog around the country and show up at grand openings and everybody is glad you're there. I think that sounds like a pretty cool job. If you think you have what it takes to be a hotdogger, I think Oscar mayer is taking applications here.


The Fox Den said...


Julie W said...

Lucky girl. You make me laugh.