Friday, May 8, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

Why Cinco de Mayo? Well, Brent has a huge love for Mexican food and I found sombreros at the dollar store. Put the two together and you have an excuse for a fiesta! Plus Brent is an amazing Mexican cook and promised to cook dinner and he never cooks dinner (insert sarcasm). The kids ate one of their favorite meals. They call it a beanie-in-betweeny. It's pretty much a bean burrito that they get to build themselves. All it is is a tortilla, cheese, black beans, and rice. Emma is a very picky eater so for her to actually mix food together is amazing. Brent cooked up an amazing taco salad/burrito for us. He calls his creations "Brentos".

Happy Cinco de Mayo.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Jealous! I want some next time! Can Brent teach Dani some recipes? :)