I really want to be a person who doesn't get caught up in the "things" of life. That is to say, I don't want myself and family to base our identity, self worth, and who we want to be, on what possessions we have or hope to have. However, letting go of "things" can be much harder than one would expect. For example, here are some pictures of the little ones broken hearted as
we sold our jeep yesterday.

I think it's hard for children to understand why grownups do the things they do. Both Brent and I felt very good about our decision to sell the jeep. As much as it broke the hearts of the girls, I'm confident that by doing so brings us closer to our long term goals. In perspective, it was a small sacrifice for a better future.
We've had a hard couple of weeks but the blessings we've received have by far outweighed the challenges. I'm grateful for life and all of its experiences. We are still happy, healthy, and very much enjoying all that life gives us. After all, it's how we choose to think about life that determines what kind of happiness we create. I choose to focus on what we have and not what we lack. We are truly blessed even if we drive a Buick and not a fun jeep!