Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kids say the cutest things

I've been meaning to post a few of the cute things that my girls say but when I get around to it I can't seem to remember any thing. But today I have a goody! It goes a little something like this:

After reading the scriptures (The Book of Mormon) before school one morning, Isabelle asked a question about this picture she saw in the book.
Isabelle: Mom, who is that guy?
Mom: That's Moroni. He's the guy that took all of the records of his people and buried them in the ground to keep them safe until Joseph Smith was led to them and translated them into what is now our Book of Mormon.
Isabelle: Oh! So, he buried them in the ground and then they grew into the scriptures!
Emma and I couldn't stop giggling at that one. So sweet is my Isabelle. Needless to say, after we laughed at her cuteness, she figured it out all on her own.


Tiffany said...

Totally cute I love kids

Hubba's Thoughts said...

That is really cute!

Cami said...

Love that! What a cutie. :)

Anonymous said...

Isa is always the most creative thinker... keep recording the cute things she says.