Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Port-O-Pottys in Heaven?

Last night while Brent was tucking Emma into bed she had a few questions for him...

Emma: How does Jesus hear our prayers all the way up in heaven?

Brent: That is what faith is for. We have to have faith that He hears and answers our prayers.

Emma: Okay.... (thinks for a minute) How does Jesus go to the bathroom in Heaven? (A bit random don't you think)

Brent: Ummm, He doesn't have to go to the bathroom in heaven.

Emma: Yeah, I guess your right. I've never seen a port-o-potty in any of those pictures.

Crazy kid... Where do they come up with these things? For all I know she has never even been in a Port-O-Potty. (She's been reading too many Captain Underpants books.) I have to think that even if there were Port-O-Pottys in heaven, no artist would ever paint one in a picture. Can you even imagine?


Hubba's Thoughts said...

Thanks for the laugh, she's so sweet! Have a great day.

Cami said...

LOL! I love Emma. She is a crack up! What a cutie. Port-o-pottys in Heaven.... Seriously! How do kids think of these things? Today, Heidi has been sick, throwing up and stuff and every time she has to throw up again, she tells me, "I need to spit it". I never ONCE said spit... just throw up. Funny. Kids really do say the darnedest things. Love it!

The Fox Den said...

She's a riot!

Tiffany said...

Your kids are hilarious. I love their comments. And by the way I thought you looked great on Sunday. If only I could look that beautiful and sophisticated in a pony. Honest.

Mandy said...

I hope for as much time as I'm spending going to the bathroom right now, I wont have to worry about it after I die. What a smart girl, I like her thinking!!! What great parents she has!

Tiffany said...

I decided to go private because of something that happened to my sister. If you who want an invitation please give me your email address. Sorry for the inconvenience but I'll feel much better.

Jared Ivie said...

I love this story. I miss you guys so much. And I definitely agree that she has great parents. I'm so proud of you.