Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Isabelle strikes again...

Last Sunday morning rolled around, as always, and I decided that I would spend some real quality time doing my hair. I love hair and I love styling it but I don't spend much time on it these days. But now that our church has changed its meeting time to 1:00 pm, I have a lot of extra time to get me and the girls ready for church. Also, I wanted to look nice for my hubby who would be getting home after a week away in Baltimore.
This is what I did...
Blow dried my hair
Hot rollers with hairspray
Applied make up
Took out hot rollers
LOTS and LOTS of hairspray...

As I am spraying my hair Isabelle came into my bathroom. I saw her watching me with wonder and awe. I imagined that she must be thinking how pretty her mom looks and wishing she were old enough to wear makeup and do fancy hair. {She is after all a girly girl} Then she speaks up and says, "Mom guess what?"
I answered "What?"
She happily explained, "Well, I noticed that your hairspray was almost gone so I filled the bottle up with water. Now you won't have to go to the store and buy new hairspray!"

Ugggg! My big, fabulous, movie star like, curly hair, that I spent almost an hour on, is now flat and straight and I had to go to church wearing a pony tail AGAIN! Did I mention that watered down hairspray smells pretty much like the regular kind. Otherwise, I think I would have figured it out sooner. Leave it to Isabelle to look out for me and my interests. I do love her so!


Andy and Jodi said...

I am so sorry about your hairdo. For some reason Not Me keeps striking at my house. Not me broke my favorite necklace, and Not Me spilled the milk this morning. I think Isabelle is a scream!! I get my blog background from thecutestblogontheblock.com. Its a free one! I am all about free.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

That's pretty cute! Sorry about your hair. I hate it when you get yourself all psyched up to look hot and something goes wrong... I'll just look for you on Sunday to see if you had a chance to pick up some more hairspray..

Cami said...

I am sooo sorry about your hair, but truly, I was laughing out LOUD when I read this!! HAA HHHAAA!!! So funny. Although, I am sure it was NOT funny when it happened. For what it's worth, you still looked like your gorgeous self on Sunday, as USUAL. :) Gotta love Isa!

* said...

That is hilarious. Isabelle sounds like such a fun little girl:) All of your girls are beautiful, like their momma.

Alicia said...

Lucky for you, you look like a movie star with your hair pulled back, too. So no biggie! Cute story!

Zwick family said...

This is Andrea (Zwick) Fredric from high school. Really funny story about your hair. Your girls are so beautiful! I have a 5 yr old son, 2 yr old daughter and another girl due in 5 weeks. Fun to see you again!