Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some things never change

Monday night I met up with my old high school friends for a little BBQ and some fun. We met at Harmony's new house, {gorgeous by the way} let our kids play, and forced our husbands to watch our girly bickering as we posed for pictures.

I have to say that we haven't changed much in 11 years! Maybe a little wiser and definitely more responsible, but all in all we are still the same. It's easy to see why we were such good friends in high school and time hasn't changed that friendship. Each of my friends has such a unique personality that brings so much joy into my life. I'm not kidding... the girls crack me up! Thanks you guys! I am really so happy to still know and love you. Being with you this week has left me feeling like the old me. The me before my name changed to Mom.
What I loved the most about the night was seeing my kids play with my best friends kids. It doesn't get better than this

Smile for the blog...I had no idea Jane was so domestic.

For all you AF blog stalkers this is us now... Still Freaks and still smokin hot!
Celia, Harmony, Nicole, Parker, Me, Jane, Aime {and a few stow away kids wanting a bit of the spotlight}


Jennikunz said...

Heeeyyyy I'm not an AF blog stalker, take that back!

harmony said...

I was hoping someone would post about the bbq soon. As we all know it will be another week or so until I get around to it. Those pics are cute. See you soon.

The Fox Den said...

What a cool thing to be live close to those who knew and loved you when! Looks like a blast!

The Fox Den said...

Sorry for the grammatical error ;)

Bob and Valerie said...

Cuute! You girls are still as fun and cute as when I took you to "Viva Salt Lake" for Mandy's sixteenth birthday.

Sarah said...

Freaks! :)

Celia said...

My sisters-in-law "love" that we were the "freaks." Remember how offended we were when they gave us that name? And slowly, much to their horror, we actually embraced the pathetic nickname? Only us.

"Viva Salt Lake"?!?! I haven't thought of that in years. I don't remember much about the actual show that night but I do remember laughing harder than I ever have before (and maybe since).

So glad we got a chance to hang out. I'll be back again this summer so ... party at your house?

Unknown said...

That is so sweet that you think I domestic. Brian laughed so hard ti brought a tear to his eye!

FREAKS RULE!!!!!!!!!!:)

Unknown said...

Wow I can't spell! That last comment should say I'm domestic and it brought a tear.... So sorry!

Mandy said...

I love us. That's all for now!