Monday, June 16, 2008

King for the Day

Fathers day for us is not a relax and take it easy kind of day. But we tried to give Brent a morning of special treatment before it was time for him to set out to his Elders Quorum meeting followed by our regular Sunday services and making the rounds to visit all of our Dads.
The girls and I made Brent King for the Day. I made his specially ordered breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. {What was he thinking? He should have ordered a protein shake or egg whites. Seriously, this was the best I could do}

Emma and Iza gave him some king like treatment!

We made Brent the classic candy poster

and got him a new Nike/ipod running thing-a-mabob.

But the best fathers day gift Brent got was from Lucy... She has reached the all important day of 18 months old. To all of us Mormons that means NURSERY!!!! No more wandering the halls during class time. Now we can do a little more learning on Sundays and not so many drinking fountain visits.


The Fox Den said...

Happy Father's Day Brent! You are a great dad!! Love the pics!

Julie W said...

Yeah for Nursery!

Andy and Jodi said...

Long time no see! Where have you been all my life?! Your girls are darling. tell Brent hi. We need to get together soon. things are crazy at my house, but I am always in need of a girls night out, you know break a sweat, or sing to the tunes of Indigo Girls. Oh those were the days. Call me.

David and Maggi said...

Nice Pancakes!!!

Brittany said...

Hey Mandy! I found you through Jodi's. Remember how I live by you for a second! That was cool! I really liked that ward!

Allison said...

i've been reading your blog since you commented on mine (thank you!). i've been lazy about commenting but i love that you've joined the blog-world. i love seeing your adorable family so often and seeing what you are all up to.

**your pancakes look a lot like my kitchen creations. thank goodness we married men that cook.

harmony said...

I love the king's crown and grapes. That sort of thing happens around here nearly everyday. I've been counting down the months for nursery for a year (only 6 months left:). That was a fun bbq. Let's go girls night out again soon.