Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lunch at the park

Monday was absolutely beautiful. As soon as preschool was done we (me, Erin Shepherd, & Tiffany Curtis) packed up the kiddies and headed to Wines Park! It was the place to be. Every mom in Lehi had the same idea. The kids played for hours. When we finally got home Lou napped until 5:30! It has been the best day of the week for me! Lou loved the swings! Up until this day she was scared of them. It's fun to see she isn't such a scaredy cat anymore.All was good and well until Iza bumped heads with Nate while swinging. To make matters worse, she went to eat her sandwich and found it was gone. She should know better to leave food laying around when Mom is close by. ..
I don't know about you but, I think my girls are gorgeous when the cry. It makes their eyes turn so blue and the expressions they can make are priceless!I had to take a close look at this picture. I couldn't tell if it was Iza or Kaylen (her best friend). They look so00 much alike. It was the messy hair that gave it away. Isabelle hates to keep her hair in a pony.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dance recital

Last night I took Emma & Iza to see my niece Bailley's dance recital. She did great and Emma loved watching all the dancers. I think that by going Emma's stage fright was curbed a bit. She has been nervous about her own dance recital coming up in June. I'm completely bugged about the pictures. No matter what I tried they came out blurry. I would appreciate any suggestions. The only thing I can think that would have helped would be a tripod to keep the camera still. It was pretty dark in the auditorium and I was using my telephoto lens. Sorry Melanie. Next time bring your own camera and don't rely on my pathetic photography skills!At least this picture turned out cute. Sadly, these two cousins don't see each other as much as they used to. I hope to steal Bailley for a least a week this Summer to make up for lost time!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lucy's Best Friend

I have never seen a baby so in love with a dog. Lucy torments and loves Walter to the ends of the earth. She calls him "Walty". Lucky for us he loves her back. I think it is because she is the only one who will play with him. Yesterday I found her and her blanket curled up in his bed with him. I love it that he lets her bother him when he is taking a nap. I think we have the worlds BEST dog! As much as I hate his paw prints on my clean floor and finding evidence of him on my bedroom pillows, I love the little guy.

All spoon & no mess

Today I put aside my worries about a huge mess and let Lucy eat her oatmeal all by herself. She did great and was virtually mess free. Hooray! She used her spoon the whole time. This is great news for me. It means I'll have about an extra half hour in the mornings. Maybe I can start wearing makeup again 0r doing non-ponytail hair. Yippee! She had a great time eating on her own terms and was very proud of herself. I can't wait to tell Emma. Now she'll have more mom time before school so I can mess with her hair. Lucky kid.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I peed my pants a little

The other night Brent and I are watching Gangland on the history channel or Discovery (can't remember which). I get thinking out loud, as I usually do, and say "who makes up the gang signs? Do they know it makes them look like they have arthritis? Why do they always have have to pout their lips when they make a sign?" As I watch the show I get curious as to how they make their gang signs. So I practice. It's super hard to get your fingers to go crooked like that. Brent then enlightens me on some of the gang signs he learned as a youth. For whatever reason all groups of boys have their own pretend "gang". Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about fellas. Anyhoo, (I'm almost to the peed my pants bit) later, as I am washing my face and getting ready for bed, Brent is still practicing his gang signs, for old time sake I guess, and said... "What if my hands got stuck like this and every time I waved hi to someone I got shot at?" I think this is funny for some reason. So, with soap on my face I start laughing so hard I get soap in my eyes and Brent starts laughing at me which makes me laugh even harder. This isn't good because I already have to pee. I can't stop laughing to get the soap off my face because when I try I almost drown and soap goes in my mouth. The end result... I peed my pants a bit.
I have known Brent for about 10 years and I can still remember the first time he got me laughing like that. He came to pick me up for a date with a great undercover pervert mustache. Just like the one in the picture. I knew he was the one for me right then and there. I rarely laugh at Brent's stupid jokes anymore because he has been using the same material for so long now. However, every once in a while he gets me laughing so hard. Usually when he's not trying. I love that I'm married to my best friend who has such a great sense of humor and thinks it's funny, not gross, when his wife pees her pants.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Break fun

In the few moments that none of us were sick we were able to do a few fun things. Brent took the week off so that we could spend some quality family time together. Our "quality time" was spent throwing up, cleaning it up, feeling good for a few hours, playing, getting sick again, repeat... This lasted the entire week. But it's finally over. Phew! We did have a few bits of fun in between the yuck.
Brent took the kids swimming at the Legacy Center... This is Iza's favorite place in the entire world. Just look at her face.
I took Isabelle to the movie (Emma was still feeling sick.) Iza was good enough to wait till we got home before she let loose of her lunch and popcorn. I thought it was a super cute movie anyway.

Brent and Lucy Jane hunkered down for a quick sick nap.
Emma felt good enough to ride the segway through the neighborhood. It might have made her sea sick because she sat on the couch all night after with another tummy ache.
We had the first BBQ of the season on Friday night with the Saunders and Roberts. By the way guys, if you picked up our flu bug I'm super sorry. I have been worried about that all day. Thanks for coming anyways.

It will be good to get back to real life. I'm glad we still have the sabbath tomorrow to rest up and feel better before work and school starts back up.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

How does your garden grow?

WaHoo! It's finally warm and I get to play in my garden and plant my peas. I adore gardening. (This is not to be mistaken with yard work which I only tolerate because I like my yard to look pretty.) I love planting vegetables and flowers from seeds and watching them grow. For me it's so rewarding. Gardening helps me to appreciate how people lived in the days before Albertsons and Macey's. I sort of feel connected to my ancestors from it. (I know... sort of cheesy but true.)

Anyhoo, I'm a huge fan of Square Foot Gardening. It is the only way I know how to get food to grow. If you've been garden shy this is a great way to learn. I totally recommend it. I have had huge success. Last year we ate lettuce, beans, squash, tomatoes and some potatoes all summer/fall long. I even gave a bunch away because we couldn't eat enough of it. I like to think of my little hobby as practice in case there becomes a real need for us to provide our own food. I'd hate to starve to death while I worked out the kinks. we spent a few hours in the yard prepping the boxes for planting. I was able to get peas and lettuce in. The girls were totally into digging for worms to have as pets. They found 9! Lucky worms. This year I told Emma and Iza that they could have their own box to plant whatever they want. But they have to take care of it.

I'm hoping that I can keep Lucy from digging in the boxes. I might have to build a little fence this year to keep her out.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Sommer and I gave our try at baby photography today. It's not so easy. The employees at kiddie kandids definitely don't make enough. It took hours for us to get just a few cute pictures. We wanted naked sleeping baby pictures but Millie didn't want to cooperate. She was a trooper though. And a very sweet little baby. Here is what we were able to get.
This one is my favorite. I love the way little babies faces look when they cry.

I think she looks just like her daddy Dave in this picture. She has his eyes.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Good times

Friday night was a hoot. That's right I said hoot. I know it is an old fashion world that my mom still uses all the time, but now that my old friends and I are saying goodbye to the fab 20's, we should really think about changing our slang to that of an older and more mature generation. So, from now on I will use the word hoot to describe good times as opposed to words like blast and riot. It is time we act our age dang it! No more shopping at Holister and Abercrombie with all the whipper snappers. It's time we head on over to The Dress Barn and shop for a bargain. After all, retirement is just days away now.
Any hoo, I loved being with two of my very best friends from high school to celebrate Mandy's big 3-0! We haven't changed a bit. Just older and well, not so spastic and hormonal. The only disappointment from the night was not having more old friends there. I would have loved to see Tyler Roberts old college girlfriend Margaret there. Though, I don't think she will ever forgive him for ratting her out about stealing the Pepsi from the reservation. Although if my memory serves me correct it wasn't a Pepsi it was a TAB! (Consider this my attempt at an inside joke that only Tyler and Mandy will appreciate.) I love being able to laugh about our insane teen and college years. We have come a long way! Happy birthday M.P.

An homage to our youth...

Our runaway trip to Vegas for new years eve 1995!
Seven friends and the Marshmallow!

Who do we think we are? TLC?
Don't go chasin waterfalls...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

While Dad's away the kids will play... or get pneumonia

Brent is gone for five days to Florida and I find out today that Lucy doesn't have asthma but pneumonia and an ear infection. When I took her to the doctor this morning her temp was 104! And here I was thinking she was faking to get out of eating her oatmeal. Poor Baby. I spent all day on the couch watching lifetime TV while she slept in my arms. Then 3:00 came and it was finally safe to give her medicine. All I have to say is that I have never been more thankful for children's Motrin!Here she is pre-Motrin.

After- Motrin! Perhaps she was faking all along.

What would a sick baby do without her three favorite things. Piggy, huggy, and a sippy!

Emma and Iza have been so great taking care of themselves while I have been pre occupied with Lucy. They have been vegging out watching TV for the last hour now. Although I'm sure they don't mind. I am hoping that by Saturday things are back to normal and we can have our girls day of fun like we planned.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

P90X Bring it!

Starting week 1
This is supposed to be a totally intense 12 week training program and not for the week. I have been looking forward to doing P90X for sevral months now. Brent did the series last fall and had great results. I have just been waiting to finish a triathalon training class and then take a small break. (I have had several problems with my feet.) My biggest concern with doing this workout is if I'm strong enough to do it. My goal is to gain about 5lbs of muscle and lose 10lbs of fat and reduce my body fat% by at least 6%.

My old trainer Colby, from Total Health & Fitness, recomended this program to me for after my contract with him ran up. Hopefully I can stay motivated to continue body shaping without a hot single guy pinching my back fat every Monday.

My last training program helped me get rid of the extra baby weight that I couldn't lose on my own. Now I want to get ripped! By the end of my last program I had lost a total of 15 lbs of fat mass, lost 8.5% body fat, gained 5.25lbs of lean muscle, and over all scale weight lost 10 lbs. (I was in pretty bad shape.) I have learned now that the scale doesn't matter. The most important number to watch is the body fat number. With P90X I hope to get ripped so that I'm smokin hot! Wish me luck!