Sunday, May 15, 2011

11 years ago...

11 years ago we got married. Sigh.. I'm normally not at all nostalgic or mushy gushy about things but as I was looking through our wedding album and honeymoon pictures, I heard myself say "where has the time gone?" and "it seems like only yesterday." I used to roll my eyes when I was a kid and heard old people say things like that. But I get it now-- It truly does seem like yesterday.

We got married on May 13th and  honeymooned in Paris. We stayed in the most charming hotel. We ate the most delicious food,  saw the most beautiful paintings, sculptures, and architecture. I was in awe. I was in love.  It was the most beautiful city and so different from anywhere I had ever been.  I have always loved all things french and have often wondered... Is it possible to be homesick for a place you've never lived?

                                                                    Where we stayed.              N'est pas cela charmant ?

     The day we spent at the Louvre was c'était magnifique! Looking back I realize I took so much of what I saw for granted. I  was a bit to young and naive to really appreciate the opulent interiors of the Napoleon apartments inside the Louvre. I hadn't yet gone through my obsession with french and english history. Amazing hu? 




Amoureux à Le Arc de Triomphe

We spent a week in Paris and then another week traveling around Belgium and Germany. We visited ruins and castles and ate at sea side restaurants. We saw as much as we could in the time we had. It was  an experience of a lifetime. Newly married, in love, and seeing the world together. But it was just a drop in the bucket to the rest of our lives together...


C'était juste un voyage en bas la petite route de mémoire pour moi. Je continue à aimer tout le français de choses et avoir très envie du jour où je peux passer plus de temps en Europe. Jusque-là, au revoir!


jaredean said...

Rockin' Awesome Pics!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...