Monday, April 18, 2011

A Few Things...

The past few months have been pretty normal around here. We've just been going about our regular routines of school, work, lessons, and play. In February, Em & Iza had their annual piano recital. Emma played Fur Elise and The Crystal Cave. Isabelle played Once Upon a December and The Drum Song. They played great and I was a proud momma.

Earlier this month my brother Jared came for a visit from Portland with his kids. We had a great time hanging out together and the kids loved spending time together. We celebrated Jacqueline's 10th birthday at Classic skating. Good times, good times.

Henry turned 10 months old on the 10th. I'm not ready for him to be a big boy. I just love that he can take a bath in the sink still. He gets so messy after he eats that I just pop him in the sink while I clean up. He thinks it's funny and laughs.
Last month He got a really bad cold. He had a hard time breathing so we had to give him breathing treatments to open up his little lungs. Poor little guy. Last week he had an ear infection and his ear drum burst. Not a happy little monkey. He is feeling so much better this week.

Spring break ended today. I would have loved a few extra days to finish up some projects around the house and more play time with my kids. We had a fantastic week going to movies, playing outside, and a few small day trips. We took the kids to This is The Place on Friday. I thought it would be a fun place for the girls to go since they are obsessed with all things pioneer. They play "pioneer" outside every chance they get.

Lucy insists on dressing herself these days. This is her favorite outfit for doing gymnastics. Don't you just love her tights? She makes me laugh.
I really can't tell you how much I'm ready for the weather to change. I'm usually pretty content with what is, but I'm tired of freezing. My yard needs me and I'm too big of a wuss to brave the cold and go outside. With Easter days away I'll be praying for warmth.

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