There wasn't much time for blogging this summer. Too much work, not enough play. You know how it goes sometimes. I hate the idea of starting the new school year without playing catch up on the last few months. We've had birthdays, plays, games, reunions and all sorts of events going on.
Emma Little Miss Drama performed in her first play last spring. She was in Alice in Wonderland. It took some convincing her that she would love it and of course I was right. I'm afraid she's caught the acting bug and wants to do nothing else. Like mother like daughter. I was just like her at that age. She was wonderful. I was so proud.
We celebrated her birthday with a great little party with a few of her friends and played minute to win it games. We ended the night with an Owls Baseball game and fireworks.
Oh how I love her. So beautiful and smart and amazing in more ways than I ever could have dreamed of or hoped for.
Isabelle danced in the 12 dancing princesses ballet in May. She was so wonderful. She has done such a great job in her commitment to dance that this year she will be dancing with a a dance team along with her ballet classes. Just look at the smile on her face. She loves the spot light.
She's 7 years old!
We celebrated her big day with a simple family outing to kangaroo zoo. And by family I mean all of us plus one best friend Kaylen. (She really should just move in.) Unfortunately Mr. Lloyd was out of town on business and misses out on the day. But never fear, we partied without him.
She couldn't have been happier and more excited to get a new bike. She was truly thankful because we told her she wasn't getting one. Her reaction was much better than the last time she got a bike for her birthday. check this out if you've forgotten.
She finished up 1st grade with a patriotic program. Sweet little Iza sang her heart out. She was so cute and said that some of the songs made her cry. Did I mention yet that I'm so proud of her?
Lucy has had the best summer going to parks, parks and more parks with Mr. Lloyd and her sisters. She is so funny and absolutely nuts most of the time. I really do love her so much. I really have to dedicate an entire post and share all of her crazy antics that have had us in stitches all summer. In fact, I'm really considering writing a series of children's books with her as my inspiration. One week she wouldn't go to sleep because of all the letter Z's that were out to get her. You know, the kind of Z's that float around your head while your sleeping. Like I said... a great book idea.
The Big ONE!
why do babies have to grow up? It's heartbreaking I tell you. I love him just as much now as ever but my heart hurts that he is getting so big.

Buddy's big day was just as simple as could be. Family, cake, some presents, and lots and lots of love.
Everyone who knows this little man can tell you what a sweet boy he is. His spirt lifts up everyone around him. My little family is so captivated by him and we just can't get enough of his love. My two buddies.
Even though it's been a rough summer with all the extra working and a missing mom most nights, I can still recognize all the blessings in our lives. I have everything and more. Life is good.