Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh Baby!

Baby #4 will be here early June!

This has been a typical pregnancy for me so far. I'm feeling great and life is moving forward as normal. I'm excited for this baby. I know for sure that it will be my last one so I plan to enjoy every moment of the next 6 months. I'm secretly hoping for another girl. I love the girl thing we've got going at our house. But a little boy would be wonderful too! What do you think I'll have? Most of my friends think boy, I'm thinking girl, Brent is trying not to think about it.

On a side note... I've decided to go private with my blog. I would love for all of you (even you who never comment) to still check up on us. Please send me your e-mail in a comment and I will make sure to invite you to the blog.


Hubba's Thoughts said...

Congrats! That is exciting! I hear ya about the girl thing.. Jackson is so so so busy!! Madi was never like that.. I must sadmit though it's fun seeing the differences between the two! All your girls are so adorable, whatever you have will be perfect! Madi had fun playing with Isabelle last week, we'll have to have her over sometime. Again, congrats on #4.

Oh, and my email address is hubbamyers@gmail.com.

The Fox Den said...

Wahoo! Very excited for you all :) Please send me an invite to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I'm thinking you're having another girl. Please don't block me from your great blog! You always make me laugh and I love watching your kids grow (even if it is through pictures). I miss you tons and hope to visit soon. Now that Chris lives there I will hopefully visit more often. My email is greenjello4285@yahoo.com

Brande J. said...

I'm so excited for you! I think every household needs a little boy, but just as long as the baby is healthy I'm sure you don't care either way :) Add me to your list..

nagmastermom said...

that's so exciting. i think boy. i can't help it, it's all i know.
i'd love to check in on your blog every now, and then.
melissa r. two houses away

Hawks Family said...

Big congrats on baby #4! We're expecting the first part of June as well, so we'll be tracking together for the next 6 months - how fun! Of course I'm already huge and you're not showing at all - not fair! I'm glad you've been feeling well, I've been sicker than the last two pregnancies combined, so I'm hoping that I'll move out of that stage soon. Again congrats - it's fun to have someone at the same stage! Oh, I'd love to be invited to view your blog after you go private! Our email is jjzhawks@hotmail.com.

Janine said...

Love the pic you chose for this post. Hopefully I can join the prego ranks soon :) Here's my email: ja9ross@gmail.com
Loves ya!

Tara said...

Congrats Mandy! That is so exciting! I would love to still be able to see your blog. My e-mail is tara.bendixsen@gmail.com... PS you might not remember me, but I am Brent's cousin in-law.

Sarah said...

Congrats Mandy! That's so exciting! I guess it's time to admit that I blogstalk you. :) I would love to still keep up to date on your cute family.

Staci said...

All babies should be so lucky! Congratulations.


MK said...

Please include me! I show off your blog to the ladies at work, because I love you all SOOOOOO much. MK

Allison said...

congratulations! there is nothing better than babies, all varieties!
