Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Traditions

Tradition has us waking up early on the 4th to get a prime spot for the Freedom Parade in Provo. We've been sitting in the same spot for the last 8 years. My family has been going to this parade every year (missing a few here or there) for as long as I can remember. I have some great childhood memories of this day. I love that this tradition keeps going and that my kids get to share the experience. If any of you think that parades are boring, you should sit with our group. We keep things "interesting". If you're curious how, come with us next year...

I got a little picture happy this year... enjoy!We got rained on a bit but I prefer a bit of rain over the heat. Mary KayAunt Sommer brought bubbles for the kids. They kept Lucy busy.Isabelle and Emma BelleMore bubble funLucy was sooo cute. She waved at everything.Emma, Trinity, Millie, & BridgerSuper Fan! Emma and BridgerAfter the parade, we went to my mom's house for a traditional 4th BBQ, water slides, and balloon fight. The kids played for hours and hours. Considering how early we woke them up and how much junk they ate, they were very well behaved all day. It was bliss. Trampoline fun

The kids (some of them anyway) Dave, Millie, Sommer, Emma, Bridger, & TrinityThe Fuchs FamilyUsSparklers and fire works in the backyard. We ended the day with root bear floats while we watched Pleasant Grove's fireworks in my mom's backyard. It was a great day!


Tiffany said...

We do the same thing and we have a blast at the parade. You guys look so cute in your outfits. Happy 4th

David and Maggi said...

it looks like you all had a great time at the ross compound for the fourth. i am jelous

Samantha said...

Looks Like fun - As always. I bet you missed my girls having everyone sing and dance HA HA! Ok so happy to see everyone dressed accordingly for the holliday. We went to a BBQ at a friends and I wore the traditional Red White and Blue and they were like... Um that's "cute". "I never thought to wear R W B on 4th of July" ??? Like I was strange or something. So I guess we will have to come to Utah again next year so I can fit in!!