Monday, June 8, 2009

A much needed vacation

So, here we are at the Sun River Resort in Oregon for a long time coming vacation. Brent's family has a vacation house here that we've been coming to since we were first married. So far the kids are having a blast swimming riding bikes, and being kids. I'm happy not to be doing house work and regular work. Brent and I have a few lofty goals for this week. We plan to run 30 miles, bike 50 miles, and play tennis every day. And, if we can squeeze it in, Yoga and weights in the mornings.There are miles and miles of trails around here and not much else to do besides be outside so I think we should be able to reach our goals. Did I mention that it is gorgeous here?

Prior to being here, we spent 2 1/2 days in Moses Lake Washington visiting my sister and family. My super fabulous niece Lexus graduated high school on Friday. It was a great weekend and I wish we could have stayed longer but the pine trees of Oregon were calling!

I will post pictures when I get home. I have a bunch already. Oh and by the way... please don't rob us while we are away. Our ferocious dog Walter is guarding the place and our neighbors are watching out for burglars and they have guns!!!


Hubba's Thoughts said...

Sounds great!! Have fun!

jaredean said...

i LOVE Sunriver - used to go there as a kids when i lived in Oregon...we miss you guys, but know you are having a blast! My lofty goals on vacation are the opposite of you - sleep 15 hours, eat 5 hours and play cards or read for 4 running, biking or any of that health junk!

Cami said...

Whew! Thank goodness for them hillbillies with the guns next door. :) HA! So glad you are having fun. I hope you reach your goals and can even BEAT them! We miss having you guys around. Walter definitely misses you. It's funny, he knows that we are his care takers right now and barks and whines at the gate when he hears us come home or open the garage, hoping for some play time. It's been cute. I played with him today with his little rope and I swear he was smiling!

With all of you guys gone this week the circle is so empty and quiet. Almost eerie. No Lloyds, Nancy, Shepherds and half the Richard's are gone on YW camp. It's bizarre. Enjoy yourself and take a couple of bike rides for me!

Bob and Valerie said...

fun trip