Friday, November 28, 2008


Thanksgiving could be the best day of the year for me. I love being grateful and I love food! Our family had a great day together. We ate at Bob and Val's (Mom & Dad) spent the day doing nothing but eating and talking. We very much missed Heather, Melanie and Jared. I wished that all my brothers and sisters could have been there. One of these years guys! But, it was great spending the day with Bob's kids and parents. They are some of my favorite people to spend time with. (sorry I didn't get any pics of them)

Sommer, my Mom, and Handsome Dave.

Our dinner
My three greatest blessings!

I am so thankful to live so close to my sister Sommer.

I was in charge of the rolls this year. I decided to take my assignment very serious. It was important for me to redeem myself from the cake incident of last spring. (See older post for details.) I made three different kinds of rolls this year (and even remembered the salt), Parker house, cranberry rolls, and these turkey rolls. They were a hit!In case you needed a closer look...
Did I mention that I made fresh cranberry butter? (Sorry for tooting my own horn but I'm a bit proud that I didnt' fail in the cooking department this holiday.)

The Thanksgiving day shiner! Poor Lucy Jane. She fell off the couch on Wednesday. I pretty much freaked out and called my neighbor Cami over to see if I needed to take her to the doc. Luckily she was okay. Ouchy!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Cami said...

Glad you had a fun day. Thanksgiving is the best. Your rolls looked AWESOME!! Good job! :) Lucy's eye looks so sad... I hope it gets better soon. Less than a month til Christmas!! Wahoo!!

Matthew Lisonbee said...

Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. We had such a great time with you guys. I hope Lucky is okay. . . uhm she looks like you.

Tiffany said...

You are great with those rolls. Yummy. I saw that tree at the festival. my kids love the hum bugs they picked them out real quick. cute tree.