Friday, November 14, 2008

My Lucy

Lately, Lucy is very determined to never wear her pants. I put them on and she takes them off. Today she found Brent's sports bag and walked around the house for about a half hour wearing his cleats and throwing his football. She kept saying "sitball Dad." I love her at this age. She is so much fun.


Anonymous said...

This is the BEST picture yet! That's our girl. Nana

Tiffany said...

cute. Rylan hates pants too. We just call him the pantless wonder.

Cami said...

So cute. I came by your house a couple of weeks ago to get Brent for something or other and Lucy wasn't even wearing a diaper, or shirt, or socks or anything! After I said, "oh! HI Lucy!" Brent replied, "yeah, this is naked baby". I got a kick out of that. At least she is keeping the OTHER clothes on now! Such a cutie. :)

KayeLynne said...

What a STINKER! Thanks for posting this picture, it made me smile.

The Fox Den said...

She is a riot!

Unknown said...

This kid is definitely the life of the party! So far she is the boy i never wanted...keep it up Goober, you are always making us