Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My terrible two

I'm talking about my two "twins". Isabelle and her BFF Kaylen. These two are inseparable and often times partners in crime. --- I just have to preface this post by saying that I love Kaylen like my own and love her friendship with Iza. These girls love each other like sisters and treat each other like the best friends they are. The best part of this friendship is that these two look like they could be twins. If I'm not paying close attention to them I can't tell them apart. I'll never forget the day they realized how identical they could look and switched clothes. This was the day that I sent Iza home and yelled at Kaylen. They both thought this was funny and since then have tried the old switch-a-roo again. Fool me once shame on me... I pay better attention now.
Well, yesterday these two decided to play beauty parlor. Off came inches of hair here and there. Erin (Kaylens mom) didn't notice at first but became suspicious when she saw the evidence of a haircut on the carpet and later found a big pile of hair hidden under the bed. Isabelle and Kaylen were very good at hiding their home made hair dos by cutting the underside of their hair. I didn't even notice until Erin called me early this morning to apologize. I found very quick what I hadn't seen the night before. Iza is sporting some pretty sweet bangs, new layers, and she almost has a bald spot in back. Poor Kaylen got the worst of it. she lopped off one side of her braid.I think she is going to have to get a pretty drastic makeover to fix it.

I don't know who's hair is who's but I think most of it is Kaylens
As punishment for this little stunt I've grounded them from playing together for the week. {This is much harder on me than it is on them.} Isabelle was in tears when I told her that now she and Kaylen won't look like twins. They will have different hair cuts for the first time ever.

These girls are usually very well behaved together. But I guess girls will be girls.

and they look so innocent...


Unknown said...

Not only what I cracking up your explanation of this, but I found the new discotech music quite enjoyable...anybody wanna dance??

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Wow, I haven't had to deal with that one yet.. Granted, Madi usually plays with Coleman across the street and thankfully he has no interest in hair and makeovers.... You're right, girls will be girls. I know I did that and sadly enough I think I was a bit older too. I should have known better.

jaredean said...

oh man! kids! Tristan cut her own hair and it is still growing out...how short will you need to cut it?

harmony said...

The music does wonders for that blog. I love the hair pictures. They really do look alike, don't they? You're girls look really cute with short hair anyway. I laughed so hard at the mullet post. I swear some kids have a tail and I just want to whack it off. When are we going to get together again? How's school going?

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh!! That is hilarious-for us, not for the girls. That is a serious wad of hair, on the positive side though you will now be able to tell them apart!! That is such a classic kid story, I love it!

Cami said...

Erin came to yoga late that night because just as she was about to leave, Reagan came downstairs with a wad of blonde hair and that's when she realized the girls had given themselves haircuts! She said she hadn't told you yet.... I wasn't envying her! On the bright side... I couldn't even tell at church yesterday. They both looked great!