It's me. I'm the domestic diva! This last week I (with help) not only pickeda ton of apricots, but I also made jam, fruit leather, and canned over 20 quarts of apricots. I may be clueless in the kitchen on my own but with my talented mother-in-law taking me under her wing, I was able to domesticate myself and do what women for years and years have done. Store food for the winter. (I feel like such a grown up.) And it really didn't suck that bad either. Along with feeling some what sticky, I felt rather accomplished after it was all said and done. I think that this is something that I may be able to do on my own now and not completely and utterly fail. But, I can't totally celebrate my perceived accomplishment yet... we've yet to taste the final product and see if any of us die of salmonella poisoning.
Behold nature...

Mary Kay... the talent
My Mom... the lady who let us pick her tree for free.

Emma and Iza... Partners in crime. They made about $10 selling bags of apricots to neighbors for $2 a bag. Emma pulled a wagon full of apricots and Iza pushed a stroller with stuffed animals and the money. It was the cutest thing ever. Emma's sales gimmick was this. "I'm selling apricots for $2 a bag or $1 if you don't want to pay $2." The best part was how they looked. They were all dirty with messy hair and wearing scroungy clothes. It was classic.

My three

Yummy! These look beautiful. Wish I could have bought some of those apricots. I had to make my jam from fruit that I froze 3 years ago before we moved out of our old house... It's still good, but nothing's like fresh!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I miss your mother-in-law.
Wow, good for you! Your final product looks great! I always feel a big sense of accomplishment when I get some canning or jam made! Good job!
After reading this blog and the comments left for you I can't help but think I am a total loser for not canning or making my own jam. However I am pretty good at searching for the brands that are on sale at the store! Baby steps for me. Who knew you were so domestic? When did this happen? The garden, and now the canning? I'm so impressed, good work!!!!
Wow Mandy I'm so proud of you! You have come soooo far from that birthday cake entry! Way to jam:)!
I'm not that grown up yet. Love the salespitch. Be sure to check out Cels blog today.
I just have to comment on the picture you have of Lucy peeking her head through the tree... ITS YOU! I had to take a double look because I saw so much of you I couldnt believe it! You have the cutest girls!
Who knew? Good job Mandy! I have been busy making lots of strawberry and raspberry jam but you have just topped my domesticness! Props to you!
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