Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our busy week

We've had a very busy and fun week. Last Thursday I picked up two of my nieces (Lexus and Cassidy) from the airport to stay with me for the week. In order to keep my title as favorite Aunt, I tried to plan a great week for us all. We did every thing from the Lehi Rodeo (thanks for the tickets Mom), to picnics, parades, and movies and museums. We even took a trip over to Mona for the Lavender Fair. My mom took the cousins on a hike to Timp cave and she took Lexus to visit UVU. {We're hoping she chooses to move to Utah for college in a year.} We stayed so busy all week we hardly had any down time.

These are some pictures of us at the Lavender Fair
I think that my favorite part of the week was our crafts! Lucky for me both Lexus and Cassidy love crafts. So we spent a lot of time making some really great things. Here we are making hair bows.
We made personalized journals. They turned out so cute. We ran out of time before we could make matching Book of Mormon covers. I sent them home with all the supplies so hopefully they can make them without my genius crafting skills!
We had an early dinner at the Myan on Wednesday. This is always a fun place to take "out of towners"!
We went to Clark Planetarium for a movie in the Dome Theater and then went shopping at Gateway!

Because I'm me, I forgot my camera for most of our outings. Lexus on the other hand took a ton of pictures. I'm hoping that she starts a blog soon so I can see all of them. It was a fast fun week. I wished my other two Nieces could have been with us. Next time...

1 comment:

Brande J. said...

What cute pictures! You are so crafty Mandy with your little journals. How adorable. I can't believe how much Cassidy looks like Heather! So cute. It sounds like you guys had a blast.