Okay, for the record I am a huge batman fan. However, the newest batman was way to violent for me. In my opinion this movie should have been rated R. As I'm typing this post I have to wonder to myself why I didn't just get up and walk out? Can you say spineless? My good old BFF Harmony and I watched most of the movie with our hands covering our eyes. I am very disturbed at the pg 13 rating and how this movie is being marketed towards kids. Within the first few minutes at least 10 people were killed. I wish the movie would have dropped the F bomb a few times or showed a boob so that it would have got the R rating it deserved. I hate to think of kids watching it. But with that being said... I really liked the movie!

This was the best part of the movie... Christian Bale.

Oh how I adore his mouth. I very much enjoyed watching him!!! I have been in love with him since Newsises. I once dated a very boring guy that I had nothing in common with just because he looked so much like Christian. I ended that relationship when I found out that he only took baths. Gross! Sitting in a pool of your own filth and calling yourself clean?!! Uggg! Looks don't mean everything. Anyhoo, back to my movie review... The acting in this movie was amazing. All of the reports of Heath's performance as The Joker are true. So, if you like violence and crazy people, you'll love this movie. If you're at all like me and are disturbed by nonsensical killing save your money.
Thanks for the tip, and just fyi, you aren't the first person to tell me!! I have heard it is wayyyy violent and dark and a little disturbing which I cannot stand. So, needless to say, I am so glad that you reviewed it! Ditto on the newsies crush. Have you seen him in The Prestige...ohh boy. Yep, he's cute.
f bombs or boobs...classic...
K, I love the song on your blog. I haven't heard that song forever! I'm going to go to your blog everyday so I can hear that song :) So, I haven't seen the movie yet and I'm a little freaked out the way that Heath looks in that movie. I love him and I don't want my last impression of him being that crazy movie. So, I'm not sure if I want to watch it. And also, I LOVE Christian's mouth as well...I was laughing when you said that because I have loved him since Newsies to and everytime I see him I fall in love all over again :)
Oh yes, ya gotta love Christian!! I too loved him in Newsies!! I bought that soundtrack and listened to it OVER and OVER again!! Thanks for the tip on the movie... I hate violence..
Maybe we should've seen Mamma Mia. I hear it's great. I guess that's the last time we try to stick it to the guys a see a movie they want to see without them.
Newsies rocked. They were so cute, I can't remember how many times we would watch that in one day. I saw Dark Knight the other night with my sisters and I liked it, too much violence but it was pretty good!!! Hope to see you soon.
Oh ... Newsies ... oh ... Christian Bale ... oh ... forever in love ... I am ... with him ....
I wish it would have showed a boob too! Maybe next time.
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