Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Backyard Fun

Not much to say... just some pictures of my favorite kids having hours and hours of fun in the backyard kiddie pool.

Lucy Jane


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some things never change

Monday night I met up with my old high school friends for a little BBQ and some fun. We met at Harmony's new house, {gorgeous by the way} let our kids play, and forced our husbands to watch our girly bickering as we posed for pictures.

I have to say that we haven't changed much in 11 years! Maybe a little wiser and definitely more responsible, but all in all we are still the same. It's easy to see why we were such good friends in high school and time hasn't changed that friendship. Each of my friends has such a unique personality that brings so much joy into my life. I'm not kidding... the girls crack me up! Thanks you guys! I am really so happy to still know and love you. Being with you this week has left me feeling like the old me. The me before my name changed to Mom.
What I loved the most about the night was seeing my kids play with my best friends kids. It doesn't get better than this

Smile for the blog...I had no idea Jane was so domestic.

For all you AF blog stalkers this is us now... Still Freaks and still smokin hot!
Celia, Harmony, Nicole, Parker, Me, Jane, Aime {and a few stow away kids wanting a bit of the spotlight}

Monday, June 16, 2008

King for the Day

Fathers day for us is not a relax and take it easy kind of day. But we tried to give Brent a morning of special treatment before it was time for him to set out to his Elders Quorum meeting followed by our regular Sunday services and making the rounds to visit all of our Dads.
The girls and I made Brent King for the Day. I made his specially ordered breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. {What was he thinking? He should have ordered a protein shake or egg whites. Seriously, this was the best I could do}

Emma and Iza gave him some king like treatment!

We made Brent the classic candy poster

and got him a new Nike/ipod running thing-a-mabob.

But the best fathers day gift Brent got was from Lucy... She has reached the all important day of 18 months old. To all of us Mormons that means NURSERY!!!! No more wandering the halls during class time. Now we can do a little more learning on Sundays and not so many drinking fountain visits.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Pig in Boots

This is the cutest thing I have seen in the news in such a long time... It put a smile on my face!
Pig in Boots: The world's only porker who is afraid of mud

By Julian Gavaghan

When pig farmers Debbie and Andrew Keeble discovered a newborn member of their herd was afraid of mud, they were left scratching their heads over what to do.But, after thinking on the hoof, they soon realised a pair of wellies worn by a Paddington Bear toy fitted the young porker's tiny trotters like a glove.And after buying a second bear to provide enough boots for all her feet, Cinders - named after the fairytale character Cinderella who snugly fit glass slippers - had her problem solved.
Now, more like the fabled Puss in Boots, the young porker is as happy as, well, a pig in mud, and can trot around the farmyard without fear.Mr and Mrs Keeble, of Bedale, North Yorkshire, now only have to worry about where they'll find the next pair of boots for their sensitve piglet.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sommer Update

Some of you have asked about my sister Sommer. She is doing fine!!! Check out her blog {daveandsommer.blogspot.com } to hear her story and get some information on self checks for questionable moles.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tiny Dancers

My little girls had their dance recital on Saturday. I was so proud {as any mom would be} they did such a good job. This is the cutest tu-tu I have ever seen! The blue color made her eyes look sooo pretty! She was very nervous to preform but she did so good and had so much fun!Isabelle was so into the posing thing. She really is a good little performer!

Emma's dance was to the song "Journey to the Past" from the movie Anastasia. Isabelle danced to a cute little song called "Peppermint Twist". I have loved this whole dance process. It has been so fun for me and the girls. I was never a dancer so this is all new to me. I don't know if dance is something that Emma and Isabelle want to pursue seriously as they get older, but for now I know they LOVE it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer activities

Emma and Isabelle started gymnastics again this week after a 9 month break. Now that ballet is almost over for the summer they have started up again. They were both so excited to be back. {I hope to figure out soon how to shoot indoor pictures but until then enjoy these blurry ones...}

Along with summer gymnastics, Emma is playing baseball for the first time. I had to talk her into it because she was worried she wouldn't be good at it. I hate to brag but, she was great! Thursday was their first team practice. She hit the ball just as well as any of the boys and she is a fast little runner. She didn't even mind when the sprinklers came on during practice. heheOne of my "mom goofs" was that I scheduled all of these fun things on the same day! Isabelle has gymnastics at 10:00 followed by 1:00 baseball followed 5:00 gymnastics again! There is just enough time for lunch and a nap for Lucy {who by the way isn't happy hanging out in her stroller during all of this}.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Who's to Blame?

I know what you're thinking... "How cute Emma made a cake." Sadly no. This creation was all me. Now, you must be wondering how a 29 year old stay home mom could be responsible for something so hideous? {By the way, this is nothing compared to the "pumpkin roll catastrophe of 05'}. I have plenty of people to blame for this:

1. Public Education - It's the faulty school system that does not require Home Economics in order to graduate.

2. My Mom - She never passed on her knowledge of cake making to me

3. My grandma - She was very good at saying "just let me do it"

4. Betty Crocker - Where on the recipe does it say to wait until the cake cools before frosting? Seriously Betty! How could you.

5. Martha Stewart - Why does she make it look so easy? WHYYYY!

6. My husband - He has led me to believe that if I keep trying one day I might just bake something that turns out.

7. My Brother Jared - He soaked up all the talent for baking and left me none.

8. Finally... Santa Clause!!! - I bet he feels like a jerk now for never giving me that Easy Bake Oven I wanted soooo badly. That one experience killed my desire to learn the culinary art of baking.
When I think of the hours I spent. . . In my head I was going to be a hero for bringing a beautiful gourmet dessert to Sunday dinner. I shudder to think what could have happened if I was assigned the main course! Mom, next time I offer to bring drinks, I suggest you let me.